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"LitElement 不会从父组件更新子组件"

[英]LitElement doesn't update child component from parent component

I don't understand the concept of reactivity in lit<\/code> 's web components architecture.我不明白lit<\/code>的 Web 组件架构中的反应性概念。 From other frameworks I come up with the assumption that the following example would update without problem, but it doesn't work with lit<\/code> .从其他框架中,我提出以下示例可以毫无问题地更新的假设,但它不适用于lit<\/code> 。

I can see that the child components render<\/code> method is only being called initially and not again after I click the button.我可以看到子组件render<\/code>方法仅在最初被调用,而不是在我单击按钮后再次被调用。 But even if I call it manually via the Web Components DevTools<\/code> , it doesn't re-render with the new state.但即使我通过Web Components DevTools<\/code>手动调用它,它也不会以新状态重新呈现。

What do I have to change to make it work?我必须改变什么才能让它工作?

Parent component:父组件:

import {LitElement, html} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js';
import './show-planets';

export class LitApp extends LitElement {

    addPlanet() {
        console.log('this.planetsParent', this.planetsParent)

    @property({type: Array}) planetsParent = ['Mars'];

    render() {
        return html`
            <button @click="${this.addPlanet}">click</button>
            <show-planets .planetsChild="${this.planetsParent}"></show-planets>

LitElement's property system only observes changes to the reference. LitElement 的属性系统只观察引用的变化。 Recursively listening for changes to child properties would be prohibitively expensive, especially for large nested objects.递归监听子属性的变化会非常昂贵,尤其是对于大型嵌套对象。

Therefore, setting a child or grandchild property of this.planetsParent<\/code> will not trigger a render.因此,设置this.planetsParent<\/code>的子或孙属性不会触发渲染。

So what can we do if we need to update a nested child?那么如果我们需要更新一个嵌套的孩子怎么办呢? Immutable data patterns can help us.不可变数据模式可以帮助我们。

addPlanet() {
    const [...rest] = this.planetsParent;
    const newItem = 'Pluto';
    this.planetsParent = [newItem, ...rest];

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