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使用 react-markdown 呈现的 markdown 中不存在行分隔符

[英]Line seperators are not present in rendered markdown using react-markdown

I am using react-markdown to render a markdown. The text content is rendered correctly but I cannot view the line separators under the heading and for the table.我正在使用react-markdown呈现 markdown。文本内容呈现正确,但我无法查看标题下和表格的行分隔符。 I tried pasting the same content in the demo https://remarkjs.github.io/react-markdown/ and it renders correctly with the line separators.我尝试在演示https://remarkjs.github.io/react-markdown/中粘贴相同的内容,它使用行分隔符正确呈现。

Following is the codesandbox link for the implementation.以下是实现的 codesandbox 链接。 https://codesandbox.io/s/strange-firefly-zzv3r?file=/src/App.js . https://codesandbox.io/s/strange-firefly-zzv3r?file=/src/App.js Note: The table does not have line separators between the rows and columns.注意:该表在行和列之间没有行分隔符。 To render the table, I am using the remark-gfm as mentioned in the documentation for the react-markdown为了呈现表格,我正在使用remark-gfm ,如react-markdown文档中所述

Following is my React component that renders the markdown以下是我的 React 组件,它呈现 markdown

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown";
import remarkGfm from "remark-gfm";

export default function App() {
  const markdown = `# First Heading

  ## SomeHeading()
  Returns some heading if found to be true .
  **Syntax:** "SomeHeading(string; search-text; [case-insensitive])"
  |Parameter|Data type|Optional|Text|
  |string|string|NO|The text to search in|
  |search-text|string|NO|The string to check|
  |case-insensitive|boolean|YES|set “true” if the search should be case insensitive.|

  return (
    <div className='post'>
      <ReactMarkdown children={markdown} remarkPlugins={[remarkGfm]} />

In your example all the lines in your markdown start with 2 spaces.在您的示例中,markdown 中的所有行都以 2 个空格开头。 Spaces at the beginning of a line are not meaningless in markdown.行首的空格在markdown中不是没有意义的。

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