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Nginx:如何向 URL 添加尾部斜杠,除非它以特定名称开头

[英]Nginx: How to add a trailing slash to URL except if it starts with certain name

I'm trying to add redirects in nginx config file where if a user lands on any URL except a specific one, it will add a trailing slash after it.我正在尝试在 nginx 配置文件中添加重定向,如果用户登陆除特定 URL 之外的任何 URL,它将在其后添加一个斜杠。 Also, it shouldn't add a trailing slash if there's a .此外,如果有. in it.在里面。


I did see this already which covers most of what I need:我确实已经看到了它,它涵盖了我需要的大部分内容:

#add trailing slash to all URLs except if it contains a .
rewrite ^([^.])*[^/]$ $1/ permanent; 

I also figured out how to not add a trailing slash to a specific URL by doing something like this:我还想出了如何通过执行以下操作不向特定 URL 添加尾部斜杠:

rewrite ^(?!no-trailing-slash).*[^/]$ $1/ permanent;

But I can't figure out how to combine them so that:但我无法弄清楚如何将它们组合起来:

  1. All redirects will add a trailing /所有重定向都会添加一个尾随/
  2. Unless they have a .除非他们有一个. in the URL在网址中
  3. and doesn't start with `/no-trailing-slash URL并且不以`/no-trailing-slash URL开头

Use this with multi-line flag :将此与multi-line flag


Replace any match with:将任何匹配替换为:


The pattern matches anything that after last / neither has .该模式匹配任何在 last /都没有. nor start with specific pattern and add / at the end of them.也不以特定模式开始并在其末尾添加/

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I actually figured it out with the help of HFZ's regex example.我实际上是在 HFZ 的正则表达式示例的帮助下弄清楚的。 I used this and it works perfect:我使用了这个,它工作得很好:


and replace any match with:并将任何匹配替换为:


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