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(Tailwind - DaisyUI) 有没有办法改变下拉项目的悬停和活动颜色?

[英](Tailwind - DaisyUI) Is there anyways to change hover and active colors of dropdown items?

I use TailwindCSS with DaisyUI (via CDN).我使用 TailwindCSS 和 DaisyUI(通过 CDN)。

When using DaisyUI Dropdown , is there any way for me to change the color of the dropdown item?使用DaisyUI Dropdown时,有什么方法可以更改下拉项的颜色吗? This includes the background color of the dropdown itself, then hovering on item (CSS :hover), and clicking on it (CSS :active).这包括下拉菜单本身的背景颜色,然后将鼠标悬停在项目上(CSS :hover),然后单击它(CSS :active)。

点击时 (When Clicking) (点击时)

So far, I've been able to change the background color of the dropdown itself and when hovering.到目前为止,我已经能够更改下拉菜单本身和悬停时的背景颜色。

<div class="dropdown">
    <div tabindex="0" class="m-1 btn clickables btn-green shadow">
        <p class="text-medium">Testing</p>
    <ul tabindex="0" class="p-2 shadow menu dropdown-content bg-white text-black rounded-box w-52 text-sm">
        <li class="rounded hover:bg-gray-300 dropdown-active">
            <a href="page-one.html">Protecting your privacy</a>

I can't seem to get when the list is clicked color (CSS active) with:当单击列表颜色(CSS 活动)时,我似乎无法获得:

.dropdown-active:active {
   background-color: #0B6339 !important; 

You can achieve it by defining custom theme colors for DaisyUI.您可以通过为 DaisyUI 定义自定义主题颜色来实现它。

Add this block to tailwind.config.js and edit colors regarding to your needs:将此块添加到tailwind.config.js并根据您的需要编辑颜色:

daisyui: {
    themes: [
        'mytheme': {
          'primary': '#570df8',
          'primary-focus': '#4506cb',
          'primary-content': '#ffffff',
          'secondary': '#f000b8',
          'secondary-focus': '#bd0091',
          'secondary-content': '#ffffff',
          'accent': '#37cdbe',
          'accent-focus': '#2aa79b',
          'accent-content': '#ffffff',
          'neutral': '#3d4451',
          'neutral-focus': '#2a2e37',
          'neutral-content': '#ffffff',
          'base-100': '#ffffff',
          'base-200': '#f9fafb',
          'base-300': '#d1d5db',
          'base-content': '#1f2937',
          'info': '#2094f3',
          'success': '#009485',
          'warning': '#ff9900',
          'error': '#ff5724',

Then use color class names just like Tailwind's color names.然后像 Tailwind 的颜色名称一样使用颜色类名称。

<li class="hover:bg-secondary-focus">
  <a>Item 1</a>

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