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[英]Finding the longest word in a string, after converting it to an array

I'm a newbie to javascript development and am currently working my way through free code camp and it's challenges / projects.我是 javascript 开发的新手,目前正在努力完成免费代码训练营及其挑战/项目。

I have been asked to write a function to find the longest word out of a string: "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".我被要求写一个 function 来找出字符串中最长的单词:“The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog”。 This is my code to do this:这是我执行此操作的代码:

function findLongestWordLength(str) {

  let result = 0;                // define result value of 0
  str.split(" ");                // split string into array, separated by spaces
  for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {     // for loop to iterate through each index of array
  let counter = 0;                          // counter equals 0
  counter += str[i].length;     // counter equals to itself + length of the ith index in array
  if(counter > result) {        // if counter is greater than result then result = counter
    result = counter;
return result;

I'm sure there are many better ways to do this than the one I am doing, and I could simply search for a different/better way to do it and to get around the problem.我确信有很多比我正在做的更好的方法来做到这一点,我可以简单地寻找一种不同的/更好的方法来做到这一点并解决这个问题。 But, rather than just ignore the mistake and move to a different method, I want to learn from it first, and then maybe after I will tackle the problem a different way.但是,与其忽略错误并转向不同的方法,我想先从中吸取教训,然后也许我会以不同的方式解决问题。 I would really love if someone could point it out to me so I could learn from the mistake wherever I am going wrong.如果有人能向我指出这一点,我真的很高兴,这样我就可以从错误中吸取教训,无论我哪里出错了。

If anyone also wants to suggest other, probably more efficient methods of doing this please let me know, I'm eager to learn more methods of how to solve these problems:)如果有人还想建议其他可能更有效的方法,请告诉我,我很想了解更多解决这些问题的方法:)

You're making it too complicated.你把事情搞得太复杂了。 There's nothing you need to count, just compare the length of the strings and keep track of the longest one.您无需计算任何内容,只需比较字符串的长度并跟踪最长的字符串即可。

 var x = "The big brown fox jumped over a bee."; var arr = x.split(" "); var biggest = arr[0]; for (i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].length > biggest.length) biggest = arr[i]; } console.log(biggest);

In your code, you only run str.split(" ");在您的代码中,您只运行str.split(" "); but you are not storing the results back into str但是您没有将结果存储回str

In the comparison, you have to check if the current length in the loop is greater than the one you have already stored in result.在比较中,您必须检查循环中的当前长度是否大于您已经存储在结果中的长度。

If it is greater, then set it to the new largest value.如果它更大,则将其设置为新的最大值。

You could update the code to您可以将代码更新为

 function findLongestWordLength(str) { let result = 0; // init current result to 0 const arr = str.split(" "); // store the splitted string in arr as array (naming it str is not clear anymore in the code) for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // loop the arr array const len = arr[i].length // for every item in the array, get the string length if (len > result) { // if the string length here is greater than the one in result result = len; // set result to the new maximum length } } return result; // at the end of the loop, return the maximum } console.log(findLongestWordLength("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"));

I'd do it this way, in one line:我会这样做,一行:

 const input = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"; const longestWord = sentence => sentence.split(" ").map(word => word.length).sort().pop(); console.log(longestWord(input))


     .split(" ") // [ "The", "quick", "brown" ...... ]
     .map(word => word.length) // [ 3, 5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 3, 4, 3]
     .sort() // [3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6]
     .pop(); // 6

split your string into an array, sort the elements by length, and then pop off the last element. split为一个数组,按长度对元素进行排序,然后pop最后一个元素。

 function findLongestWordLength(str) { const arr = str.split(' '); return arr.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length).pop(); } console.log(findLongestWordLength('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'));

 const string = "this is a test String" function longestWord(str) { let arr = str.split(" ") let result = arr.reduce((acc,val)=> acc.length>val.length?acc:val,"") console.log(result) } longestWord(string)

It 2 ways to type any code.它有 2 种输入任何代码的方法。

The beginner understandable way:初学者可以理解的方式:

function findLongestWordLength(str) {
    let result = { 'str_count': 0, 'str_count': '' };
    str = str.split(" ");
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        if (i + 1 < str.length) {
            if (str[i].length > result['str_count']) {
                result['longest_str'] = str[i];
                result['str_count'] = str[i].length;
    return result;
console.log(findLongestWordLength("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"));

And the advancer crazy way:以及推进者疯狂的方式:

var result = { 'str_count': 0, 'longest_str': '' };
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'.split(' ').forEach(word => {
    result['str_count'] = Math.max(result['str_count'], word.length);
    result['longest_str'] = (result['longest_str'].length >= word.length ? result['longest_str'] : word);

Execute the 2 ways:执行2种方式:

 <,DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width. initial-scale=1:0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <script> function findLongestWordLength(str) { let way_1 = { 'str_count', 0: 'str_count'; '' }. str = str;split(" "); for (let i = 0. i < str;length. i++) { if (i + 1 < str.length) { if (str[i];length > way_1['str_count']) { way_1['longest_str'] = str[i]. way_1['str_count'] = str[i];length; } } } return way_1. } console;log(findLongestWordLength("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")): // -------------------------------- var way_2 = { 'str_count', 0: 'longest_str'; '' }. 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'.split(' ').forEach(word => { way_2['str_count'] = Math,max(way_2['str_count']. word;length). way_2['longest_str'] = (way_2['longest_str'].length >= word?length: way_2['longest_str']; word); }). console;log(way_2); </script> </body> </html>

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