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如何使用 Map 中的键获取值<string, dyanmic>在 Flutter</string,>

[英]How to get value with key from a Map<String, dyanmic> in Flutter

I am new to flutter and Firestore, and still leaning.我是 flutter 和 Firestore 的新手,还在学习。

I have been trying to print a single value from a Map<String, Dynamic>.我一直在尝试从 Map<String, Dynamic> 打印单个值。 When I print the whole map it works but when tried to print a single value with key, it produces a null error.当我打印整个 map 时,它可以工作,但是当尝试使用键打印单个值时,它会产生 null 错误。

getUsersFromFireStore(String appUid) async {
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> list = [];
    await instance.collection('Users').where('refDocument', isEqualTo: appUid).get()
        .then((querySnapshotOne) {
      return querySnapshotOne.docs[0].reference.collection('Data').orderBy('timeStamp', descending: true).get();
    }).then((querySnapshotTwo) {
      if(querySnapshotTwo.size > 0){
        querySnapshotTwo.docs.forEach((doc) {
          String id = doc.id;
          list.add(doc.data()); // Here is the problem
          // print(doc.data().toString()); produces {age:24, name: Hari Ram}
          // But doc.data()['name'] doesn't work, gives null error
    return list;

Please help.请帮忙。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

** UPDATE ** when tried with doc.data['name'] as per the comments, it shows following error: ** 更新 ** 根据评论尝试使用doc.data['name']时,它显示以下错误:


doc.data['name'] // This should solve your problem doc.data['name'] // 这应该可以解决您的问题

Remove () after the data keyword.去掉data关键字后面的()。 ie print(doc.data['name'])print(doc.data['name'])

UPDATE: Try doc.get('name')更新:试试doc.get('name')


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