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在 JavaScript 中为字符串中所有出现的单词添加前缀和后缀

[英]Add prefix and suffix to all occurrences of a word in a string in JavaScript

I have a text file which I can read as a string for example something like this...我有一个文本文件,我可以将其作为字符串读取,例如这样的东西......

Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok?您好 这是一个测试字符串 这是一个测试 这只是一个测试 可以吗? Can we solve This?我们能解决这个问题吗? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible. Idk,也许这,是不可能的。

I want the output to append "Foo" to the front and "Bar" to the back of every "this" word (case insensitive) so that the output will look like this:我希望输出将“Foo”附加到每个“this”单词的前面,并将“Bar”附加到每个“this”单词的后面(不区分大小写),以便输出如下所示:

Hello FooThisBar is a test string FoothisBar is a test FooTHISBar is just a test ok?你好 FooThisBar 是一个测试字符串 FoothisBar 是一个测试 FooTHISBar 只是一个测试好吗? Can we solve FooThisBar?我们能解决 FooThisBar 吗? Idk, maybe FoothiSBar, is just impossible. Idk,也许是 FoothiSBar,是不可能的。


Match every occurence of "this"匹配"this"每个出现

Simple replace with a capturing group :捕获组简单replace

 const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible."; const result = str.replace(/(this)/gi, "Foo$1Bar") console.log(result)

Only match "this" when it is a word (works with punctuation)仅匹配单词时的"this" (使用标点符号)

To avoid matching "this" inside a word (eg, "abcthisdef" ), you can use a negative lookahead and negative lookbehind :为避免在单词内匹配"this" (例如, "abcthisdef" ),您可以使用否定前瞻和否定后视

 const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible."; const result = str.replace(/(?<!\\w)(this)(?!\\w)/gi, "Foo$1Bar") console.log(result)


You can split the string by a space, map through the resulting array and return the modified string only when the item (when converted to lowercase) is equal to "this" :您可以用空格分割字符串,映射到结果数组并仅当项目(转换为小写时)等于"this"时才返回修改后的字符串:

 const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible."; const result = str.split(" ").map(e => e.toLowerCase() == "this" ? `Foo${e}Bar` : e).join(' ') console.log(result)

The caveat with the above solution is that it will not match "this" when it is beside punctuation.上述解决方案的警告是,当它在标点符号旁边时,它不会匹配"this" Eg, it will not match "this."例如,它不会匹配"this." . .

To also replace words with trailing punctuation, you can first split the string with a regex that matches non-alphanumeric words, check whether the first item is "this" , then concatenate the second item after (after first join ing, since the second item in the destructure assignment is an array of trailing punctuation characters):要也用尾随标点符号替换单词,您可以首先使用匹配非字母数字单词的正则表达式拆分字符串,检查第一项是否为"this" ,然后在之后连接第二项(在第一次join之后,因为第二项在解构赋值中是一个尾随标点字符数组):

 const str = "Hello This is a test string this is a test THIS is just a test ok? Can we solve This? Idk, maybe thiS, is just impossible. this??? this!"; const result = str.split(" ").map(e => { let [word, ...punctuation] = e.split(/(?!\\w)/g) return word.toLowerCase() == "this" ? `Foo${word}Bar${punctuation.join('')}` : e }).join(' ') console.log(result)

Note that this solution will not work if there is punctuation before the occurence.请注意,如果出现之前有标点符号,则此解决方案将不起作用。 For example, it will convert "this" to this" . To avoid this, use the recommended regex solution above.例如,它会将"this"转换为this" 。为避免这种情况,请使用上面推荐的正则表达式解决方案。

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