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Angular 响应式 Forms 用于属性网格

[英]Angular Reactive Forms for property grid

Using Angular 12, I want to validate and detect changes in a list.使用 Angular 12,我想验证和检测列表中的更改。

I have a property grid (a table of key/value pairs, listing properties with editable values, but each value can be of a different type, string/boolean/int/etc.).我有一个属性网格(一个键/值对表,列出具有可编辑值的属性,但每个值可以是不同的类型,字符串/布尔值/整数/等)。

I want to add validation and changes detection for that property grid.我想为该属性网格添加验证和更改检测。

Validation should happen for each item and the changes detection only needs to occur for the list as a whole (not caring which row/item was changed).应该对每个项目进行验证,并且只需要对整个列表进行更改检测(不关心更改了哪一行/项目)。

I've built something like this:我已经建立了这样的东西:

export class InnerSetting {
  key!: string;
  displayName!: string;
  originalValue?: string;
  value?: string;
  type!: PropertyTypeEnum; //string | int | boolean | ...
  validation?: string;
  minValue?: number;
  maxValue?: number;
  isNullable!: boolean
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
    this.form = this.formBuilder.group({
      properties: new FormArray([])

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.settings.forEach(item => this.formArray.push(this.formBuilder.group(
        key: [item.key],
        type: [item.type],
        name: [item.displayName],
        value: [ item.value, [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(2)] ], //Depends on type and validation stuff, will be added later.
        originalValue: [ item.originalValue ]

    //Not sure which of these will work, so added both for now.
    this.form.valueChanges.pipe(debounceTime(500)).subscribe(changes => {
      this.areChangesDetected = changes != null;

    this.formArray.valueChanges.pipe(debounceTime(500)).subscribe(changes => {
      this.areChangesDetected = changes != null;

  get formArray() {
    return this.form.controls.properties as FormArray;

Before using a Form , I was just using a InnerSetting list, so bear in mind that I just started replacing the list with the form.在使用Form之前,我只是使用了一个InnerSetting列表,所以请记住,我只是开始用表单替换列表。

The setting property was an InnerSetting object. setting属性是InnerSetting object。

<form [formGroup]="form" class="group-wrapper">
  <div class="d-flex item-row" *ngFor="let setting of formArray.controls; let i = index">
    <div class="item flex-fill d-flex" [ngSwitch]="setting.type" [formGroupName]="i">

      <select *ngSwitchCase="'boolean'" class="flex-grow-1" name="role" id="role-select" [(ngModel)]="setting.value">
        <option [value]="'0'">False</option>
        <option [value]="'1'">True</option>

      <div contenteditable *ngSwitchDefault class="flex-grow-1" type="text" [id]="setting.key" [innerText]="setting.value"></div>

    <button class="remove-relation" (click)="reset(setting)">
      <fa-icon [icon]="faUndo"></fa-icon>


Since I need to display different elements based on the setting type (boolean, string, number, etc).因为我需要根据设置类型(布尔值、字符串、数字等)显示不同的元素。 How can I access that information from the formArray.controls ?我如何从formArray.controls访问该信息?

Also, how can I bind to non-standard input controls such as my div with a contenteditable ?另外,我如何绑定到非标准输入控件,例如我的带有contenteditablediv


I noticed that the formArray.controls is an array of FormGroup and that I can access the values in this.formArray.controls[0].controls['name'].value .我注意到formArray.controlsFormGroup的数组,我可以访问this.formArray.controls[0].controls['name'].value中的值。

Now the issue is setting that control to the fields (select or div or input) based on the type.现在的问题是根据类型将该控件设置为字段(选择或 div 或输入)。

Your template will look like this您的模板将如下所示

<form [formGroup]="form" class="group-wrapper">
    class="d-flex item-row"
    *ngFor="let setting of settingFG; let i = index"
      class="item flex-fill d-flex"
      <!-- <span>{{ setting.get('name').value }}</span> -->

      // custom div form control
      <div-control *ngSwitchDefault formControlName="value"></div-control>


    <button class="remove-relation" (click)="reset(setting)">X</button>

Helper method to get array of FormGroup获取 FormGroup 数组的辅助方法

 get settingFG(): FormGroup[] {
    return this.formArray.controls as FormGroup[];

To add FormControl to div we need to implement ControlValueAccessor要将 FormControl 添加到 div,我们需要实现ControlValueAccessor

export const DIV_VALUE_ACCESSOR: any = {
  useExisting: forwardRef(() => DivController),
  multi: true,

  selector: 'div-control',
  providers: [DIV_VALUE_ACCESSOR],
  template: `<div contenteditable #div (input)="changeText(div.innerText)" [textContent]="value"><div>`,
export class DivController implements ControlValueAccessor {
  value = '';
  disabled = false;
  private onTouched!: Function;
  private onChanged!: Function;

  changeText(text: string) {
    this.onTouched(); // <-- mark as touched
    this.value = text;
    this.onChanged(text); // <-- call function to let know of a change
  writeValue(value: string): void {
    this.value = value ?? '';
  registerOnChange(fn: any): void {
    this.onChanged = fn; // <-- save the function
  registerOnTouched(fn: any): void {
    this.onTouched = fn; // <-- save the function
  setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean) {
    this.disabled = isDisabled;

*Don't forget to add in declaration array in the module. *不要忘记在模块中添加声明数组。

Full Demo 完整演示

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