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[英]How can i reduce the time of execution of this code

var yourself = {
    fibonacci : function(n) {
        return n === 0 ? 0 : n === 1 ? 1 : 
        this.fibonacci(n -1) + this.fibonacci (n-2)

This function is constantly setting the value of its 'fibonacci' property based on the arguement supplied for 'n' parameter of the function.该函数根据为函数的 'n' 参数提供的参数不断设置其 'fibonacci' 属性的值。 I would like to refactor the function to reduce execution time我想重构函数以减少执行时间

Using dynamic programming, Memoization that cache the already calculated result使用动态规划,缓存已经计算的结果

read more about memoization here在此处阅读有关记忆的更多信息

const memoFib = function () {
    let memo = {}
    return function fib(n) {
        if (n in memo) { return memo[n] }
        else {
            if (n <= 1) { memo[n] = n }
            else { memo[n] = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) }
            return memo[n]

const fib = memoFib()

You could implement some kind of caching.你可以实现某种缓存。 This way you don't need to recalculate the same result multiple times.这样您就不需要多次重新计算相同的结果。

 var yourself = { fibonacci : function(n, cache = new Map()) { if(cache.has(n)) return cache.get(n); if(n === 0) return 0; if(n === 1) return 1; const start = this.fibonacci(n-1, cache); const end = this.fibonacci(n-2, cache); cache.set(n-1, start); cache.set(n-2, end); return start + end; } }; console.log(yourself.fibonacci(40));

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