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Jetpack Compose 中的自定义 TabRow

[英]Custom TabRow in Jetpack Compose

I use TabRow and I have two questions:我使用 TabRow,我有两个问题:

  • Is it possible to remove a line that is wide the entire width screen?是否可以删除整个屏幕宽度的线?

  • How Can I bring the buttons together (reduce space between them)我如何将按钮放在一起(减少它们之间的空间)


To remove the line under the tabs just set an empty divider by passing divider = {} .要删除选项卡下的行,只需通过传递divider = {}设置一个空分隔divider = {}

To make the tabs fill the space available in the TabRow (therefore without empty spaces), just do not set a specific size to the Tabs, the following example works as you ask.要使选项卡填充TabRow可用空间(因此没有空格),只需不要为选项卡设置特定大小,以下示例按您的要求工作。

var state by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
val titles = listOf("TAB 1", "TAB 2")
Column {
    TabRow(selectedTabIndex = state, divider = {}) {
        titles.forEachIndexed { index, title ->
                text = { Text(title) },
                selected = state == index,
                onClick = { state = index }

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