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如何从 AppScript 中的某些列中提取数据?

[英]How do I extract data from certain columns in AppScript?

I am trying to fecth some data from a google spreadsheet in an AppScript standalone file.我正在尝试从 AppScript 独立文件中的谷歌电子表格中提取一些数据。

I tried with this piece of code, but it is definitely incomplete.我试过这段代码,但它绝对不完整。 It raises this error:它引发了这个错误:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getDataRange' of undefined

My function:我的功能:

var sheet=SpreadsheetApp.openById('1n2a5iecKo7seMXcef81V_pxWSRjE4agQ9DSoROtf0').getSheets()[0]
function getColumnId(sheet, namecol) {
          var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
          var col = data[0].findIndex((name) => name === namecol) + 1;
          return col;

After extracting the column data, I want to store that data in a normal list:提取列数据后,我想将该数据存储在普通列表中:

var IDCol=getcolumnId(sheet, 'ID')
var AFCol=getcolumnId(sheet, 'AF')

Is that possible in this way?这样可以吗? I'd do debugging but I do not know how to proceed first with my function.我会进行调试,但我不知道如何首先处理我的功能。

I believe your goal is as follows.我相信你的目标如下。

  • You want to retrieve the values from a column using the function getColumnId(sheet, namecol) .您想使用函数getColumnId(sheet, namecol)从列中检索值。

Modification points:改装要点:

  • Your function name is getColumnId .您的函数名称是getColumnId But you are trying to call the function with getcolumnId .但是您正在尝试使用getcolumnId调用该函数。 I think that an error occurs.我认为发生了错误。
  • var sheet=DriveApp.getFileById('1n2a5ieOMcKo7seMXcef81V_pxWSRjE4agQ9DSoROtf0').getBlob() is Blob. var sheet=DriveApp.getFileById('1n2a5ieOMcKo7seMXcef81V_pxWSRjE4agQ9DSoROtf0').getBlob()是 Blob。 In your script, an error occurs at var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues() .在您的脚本中, var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()处发生错误。
  • In order to retrieve the values from the column, I think that it is required to retrieve the values using the value of col .为了从列中检索值,我认为需要使用col的值来检索值。 For this为了这

Modified script:修改后的脚本:

function getColumnId(sheet, namecol) {
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var col = data[0].findIndex((name) => name === namecol);
  var transpose = data[0].map((_, c) => data.map(r => r[c])); // Here, "data" is transposed.
  return transpose[col];

// Please run this function.
function sample() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet1"); // Please set the sheet name.
  var IDCol = getColumnId(sheet, 'ID')
  var AFCol = getColumnId(sheet, 'AF')

When this modified script is run, the values of columns with the header values of ID and AF .运行此修改后的脚本时,标题值为IDAF的列的值。



From your following replying and your updated question,从您的以下回复和更新的问题中,

Hi Tanaike, I will definitely use your approach mapping the values as you said.嗨 Tanaike,我一定会使用你的方法来映射你所说的值。 But first of all I need to read the data from gsheet properly.但首先我需要正确读取 gsheet 中的数据。 Please see my Edit and the error is raised.请参阅我的编辑并引发错误。 My code is not place in the google spreadsheet itself but in a StandAlone file in AppsScript我的代码不在 Google 电子表格本身中,而是在 AppsScript 中的 StandAlone 文件中

I tried with this piece of code, but it is definitely incomplete.我试过这段代码,但它绝对不完整。 It raises this error:它引发了这个错误:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getDataRange' of undefined

If you are trying to directly execute the function getColumnId(sheet, namecol) by the script editor, such an error occurs, because sheet is undefined.如果您尝试通过脚本编辑器直接执行函数getColumnId(sheet, namecol) ,则会出现这样的错误,因为sheet未定义。 I thought that this might be the reason for your current issue.我认为这可能是您当前问题的原因。 From this situation, I thought that you might want to use sheet , IDCol and AFCol as the global variable.从这种情况来看,我认为您可能希望使用sheetIDColAFCol作为全局变量。 If my understanding is correct, how about the following sample script?如果我的理解是正确的,下面的示例脚本怎么样?

Sample script:示例脚本:

var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('###').getSheets()[0];

function getColumnId(sheet, namecol) {
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var col = data[0].findIndex((name) => name === namecol);
  var transpose = data[0].map((_, c) => data.map(r => r[c]));
  return transpose[col];

var IDCol = getColumnId(sheet, 'ID')
var AFCol = getColumnId(sheet, 'AF')

// Please run this function.
function myFunction() {
  • In this function, when myFunction is run, you can see the values at the log.在这个函数中,当myFunction运行时,你可以在日志中看到这些值。

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