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在 solana 中调用 transaction.from() 后,有没有办法获取金额(我们在交易中发送的令牌数)

[英]Is there any way to get amount(number of token we are sending in transaction) after calling transaction.from() in solana

  var transaction = new web3.Transaction({
    feePayer: new web3.PublicKey(
  ); let blockhashObj = await connection.getRecentBlockhash();
  transaction.recentBlockhash = await blockhashObj.blockhash;

  let endocdeTransction = transaction.serialize({
    requireAllSignatures: false,
    verifySignatures: false,

let newconnectionTransction = web3.Transaction.from(newEncodedBuffer);让 newconnectionTransction = web3.Transaction.from(newEncodedBuffer);

i want to get amount from newconnectionTransction我想从 newconnectionTransction 获取金额

i was getting amount in buffer data: <Buffer 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00> which i was unable to decode我在缓冲区数据中获得了数量: <Buffer 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00> 我无法解码

This ability is not exposed for now on the JS side.这个能力暂时没有在 JS 端暴露出来。 To do this properly, we would need to expose this struct definition: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/blob/e8b7009cc4d8cdd87232ccfc9ce93ab203ada496/token/js/client/token.js#L1519要正确执行此操作,我们需要公开此结构定义: https : //github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/blob/e8b7009cc4d8cdd87232ccfc9ce93ab203ada496/token/js/client/token.js#L1519

On your side, for testing, you can copy that struct layout, then call decode on the transaction data to deserialize it.在您这边,为了进行测试,您可以复制该结构布局,然后对交易数据调用decode以对其进行反序列化。 In (untested) code, this would look like:在(未经测试的)代码中,这看起来像:

const decodedTransaction = Transaction.from(encodedTransaction);
const TransferInstructionLayout = BufferLayout.struct([
const instructionData = TransferInstructionLayout.decode(decodedTransaction.instructions[0].data);

There may be some steps missing, but this will get you most of the way there!可能会遗漏一些步骤,但这将使您获得大部分方法! And if you want to add a PR to expose these, then everyone else can use them.如果你想添加一个 PR 来公开这些,那么其他人都可以使用它们。

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