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将变量值从 js 文件传递​​给 hbs 组件

[英]Passing variable value from js file to hbs component

Hi I have a Global variable as in js file, I want to retrieve value of that Variable in hbs file嗨,我在 js 文件中有一个全局变量,我想在 hbs 文件中检索该变量的值

    export default () => {
    selectedViolationTypeId: 0,
    addProgram(program) {
         this.set('selectedViolationTypeId', program.ViolationTypeId);

The value of the selectedViolationTypeId changes in the addProgram function call, that changed value I want to retrieve in the hbs file, at the URL field like this: url='api/branch/inspectionitemcategories/dt?violationTypeId={selectedViolationTypeId}' selectedViolationTypeId 的值在 addProgram 函数调用中更改,我想在 hbs 文件中检索的更改值在 URL 字段中如下所示: url='api/branch/inspectionitemcategories/dt?violationTypeId={selectedViolationTypeId}'

 <div class="col-md-8">
                    {{log 'selectedViolationTypeId'}}
                    {{log selectedViolationTypeId}}
                        <div class="form-group chosen-fix {{if failTest 'has-error q'}}">
                            <label class="control-label">Inspection Item Categories</label>
                            {{#drop-down url='api/branch/inspectionitemcategories/dt?violationTypeId={selectedViolationTypeId}'
                            placeholder='Add Program (Search)'
                            showSelected=false f=f as |item|
                            {{log 'item 1'}}
                            {{log item}}
                            {{#if item}}
                            {{partial 'components/edit-item/partial-select1'}}
                            <i>Nothing Here</i>

But its not happening, at the url field this selected value is coming as null with error message as below但它没有发生,在 url 字段中,这个选定的值是空的,错误消息如下

:56974/api/branch/inspectionitemcategories/dt?violationTypeId={{this.selectedViolationTypeId}}:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
api.js:77 api/branch/inspectionitemcategories/dt?violationTypeId={{this.selectedViolationTypeId}} error undefined Object

can somebody please help me how can I retrieve its value in the front end hbs file?有人可以帮助我如何在前端 hbs 文件中检索它的值吗?

You can make global variable value visible in the hbs template by defining a property in the component / controller.您可以通过在组件/控制器中定义属性来使全局变量值在 hbs 模板中可见。 So, in your component code, define a getter:因此,在您的组件代码中,定义一个 getter:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  get violationTypeId() {
    return selectedViolationTypeId;

And now you can use it in template:现在你可以在模板中使用它:

{{log this.violationTypeId}}

PS You could use this global variable via a service. PS 您可以通过服务使用此全局变量。 Either add it to an existing service, if the value belongs there logically, or create a new service:如果值在逻辑上属于现有服务,则将其添加到现有服务中,或者创建一个新服务:

import Service from '@ember/service';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

export default class MyService extends Service {
  @tracked selectedViolationTypeId = DEFAULT_VALUE;

  @action addProgram(program) {
    this.selectedViolationTypeId = program?.ViolationTypeId;

Then, you can inject this service into your component / controller:然后,您可以将此服务注入到您的组件/控制器中:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service myService;

And use the value in template:并使用模板中的值:

{{log this.myService.selectedViolationTypeId}}

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