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使用带有 pathlib 的字符串值定义路径

[英]Define path using string value with pathlib

I am trying to design a function that iterates over a script.我正在尝试设计一个迭代脚本的函数。 The arguments of this function are first_name and second_name .此函数的参数是first_namesecond_name Among other things, this loop should create folders and subfolders as follows:除其他外,此循环应按如下方式创建文件夹和子文件夹:

def script(first_name='', second_name=''):
  project_path = pathlib.Path.home()/'Desktop/Project_folder'
  name_path = pathlib.Path.home()/'Desktop/Project_folder/'+first_name+second_name
  subfolder = pathlib.Path.home()/'Desktop/Project_folder/'+first_name+second_name+'/subfolder' 

However, when I try to run the script, I get the following error when creating the folders:但是,当我尝试运行脚本时,在创建文件夹时出现以下错误:

script(first_name, second_name)
>>> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'WindowsPath' and 'str'

Since I am not very experienced with the pathlib module, I was wondering whether there was a way to fix this and create folders using string values inside pathlib without specifying the full path in advance.由于我对pathlib模块不是很有经验,我想知道是否有办法解决这个问题并使用 pathlib 中的字符串值创建文件夹,而无需事先指定完整路径。

Paths are specified using forward slashes:路径使用正斜杠指定:

pathlib.Path.home()/'Desktop/Project_folder' / first_name / second_name / 'subfolder'


>>> import pathlib
>>> first_name, second_name = "Force", "Bru"
>>> pathlib.Path.home()/'Desktop/Project_folder' / first_name / second_name / 'subfolder'

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