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如何编写一个程序来在 Java 中查找 0 和 1?

[英]How do I write a program to find 0's and 1's in Java?

I want it to take 10 values from the keyboard and find out if any of the 10 inputs contain 0 or 1 and if so, What position is in the array?我希望它从键盘中获取 10 个值,并找出 10 个输入中的任何一个是否包含 0 或 1,如果是,则数组中的位置是什么?


 Input = 9 15 91 1 0 22 31 67 88 33

output = 4 found number 1, at position 2 3 4 7
         1 found number 0, at position 5
         5 found others, at position 1 6 8 9 10

I can't write any further because I still don't understand.我不能再写了,因为我还是不明白。 Advise me please I tried to write it but the output is still not correct.请给我建议我尝试编写它,但输出仍然不正确。

public static int SequentialSearch(int number[], int key_1, int key_0) {
    int looker;

    for (looker = 0; looker < number.length; looker++) {
        if (number[looker] == key_1)
            return looker;
        if (number[looker] == key_0)
            return looker;
    return -1;

public static void Loopcheck(int number[]) {
    int key_1, key_0, others_key;

    for (int count_check = 0; count_check < number.length; count_check++) {
        if (number[count_check] / 10 == 1 || number[count_check] % 10 == 1) {
            key_1 = 1;
        } else if (number[count_check] / 10 == 0 || number[count_check] % 10 == 0) {
            key_0 = 0;



public static int Print(int number[], int location) {
    for (int loop = 0; loop < number.length; loop++)
        if (location > -1)
            System.out.print(" 0 : " + location);
    return 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner Sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    int value1, value0, location, key1;
    int[] number = new int[10];
    for (int count = 0; count < number.length; count++) {
        number[count] = Sc.nextInt();
    int item1 = 1;
    int item0 = 0;
    location = SequentialSearch(number, item1, item0);
    Print(number, item1);

} }

Since you are looking for a specific character, I would recommend working on String or char array instead.由于您正在寻找特定字符,我建议您改用 String 或 char 数组。 Some code you can consider that will probably give you an idea how to solve a problem:您可以考虑的一些代码可能会让您了解如何解决问题:

//part 1
            Scanner sc= new Scanner(System.in);    //System.in is a standard input stream
            System.out.print("Enter first number- ");
            int a= sc.nextInt();
            System.out.print("Enter second number- ");
            int b= sc.nextInt();
            System.out.print("Enter third number- ");
            int c= sc.nextInt();
// part 2
                String Input = String.join(" ",Integer.toString(a),Integer.toString(b),Integer.toString(c));
// part 3
            int i = 0;

            if(Input.charAt(i)=='0') System.out.println(String.join(" ","0 at position",Integer.toString(i+1)));
            if(Input.charAt(i)=='1') System.out.println(String.join(" ","1 at position",Integer.toString(i+1)));

you can use a method like this,你可以使用这样的方法,

public void haszero(int numbers[])
      int position;
      for(position = 0; position < numbers.size; position++)
          while(numbers[position] > 0)
              if(numbers[position] % 10 == 0)
              system.out.print("0 at " position)


and then you can use same method as this for 1. or the you can also do something like this然后你可以使用与此相同的方法 1. 或者你也可以做这样的事情

for(int position = 0; position < array.size; position++)
     if (String.valueOf(array[position]).contains("0"))
     system.out.print("0 at " position);

The most impactful advice I would provide is:我会提供的最有影响力的建议是:

store your input as string or char[] instead of int[] .将您的输入存储为stringchar[]而不是int[]

To solve: Create a collection(like a list, or array) to hold your valid indexes, and iterate through your input one letter at a time, adding valid indexes to your collection as they satisfy your condition.解决方法:创建一个集合(如列表或数组)来保存您的有效索引,并一次遍历输入一个字母,将有效索引添加到您的集合中,因为它们满足您的条件。 Implement a 'PrettyPrint()' that converts your collection into a nice output.实现一个“PrettyPrint()”,将您的收藏转换为一个不错的输出。

I went ahead a coded a solution that used int arrays.我继续编写了一个使用 int 数组的编码解决方案。 Here are the test results from one of my later tests.这是我后来的一项测试的测试结果。

Type 10 values: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 found number 1, at position 2
1 found number 0, at position 1
8 found others, at position 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Type 10 values: 12 23 34 45 127 21 84 0 73 364
3 found number 1, at position 1 5 6
1 found number 0, at position 8
6 found others, at position 2 3 4 7 9 10

Type 10 values: 

To exit the program, you just press the Enter key.要退出程序,您只需按 Enter 键。

My process was to maintain three int arrays.我的过程是维护三个 int 数组。 One held the indexes of all the ones.一个保存着所有的索引。 One held the indexes of all the zeros.一个持有所有零的索引。 One held the indexes of all the other values.一个保存所有其他值的索引。

I wrote this code step by step, testing each step along the way.我一步一步地编写了这段代码,一路测试了每一步。 I probably ran two or three dozen tests, each testing one small part of the code.我可能运行了两三打测试,每一次测试代码的一小部分。

The first thing I did was to get the input loop working correctly.我做的第一件事是让输入循环正常工作。 I didn't test for non-numeric input, but that test could be added easily.我没有测试非数字输入,但可以轻松添加该测试。 I didn't limit the input to 10 numbers either.我也没有将输入限制为 10 个数字。 You can type 15 or 20 numbers if you want.如果需要,您可以输入 15 或 20 个数字。 Finally, I didn't limit the input to two-digit numbers.最后,我没有将输入限制为两位数。 The code that looks for a digit should work for any positive integer value.查找数字的代码应该适用于任何正整数值。

Next, I wrote a method to determine whether a number contained a particular digit.接下来,我编写了一个方法来确定一个数字是否包含特定数字。 The method works with any digit, not just zero or one.该方法适用于任何数字,而不仅仅是零或一。

After that, it was a matter of getting the output to look correct.在那之后,就是让输出看起来正确的问题。

Here's the complete runnable code.这是完整的可运行代码。

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ZeroAndOne {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new ZeroAndOne().processInput();
    public void processInput() {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        String line;
        do {
            System.out.print("Type 10 values: ");
            line = scanner.nextLine().trim();
            String[] parts = line.split("\\s+");
            if (!line.isEmpty()) {
                int[] input = new int[parts.length];
                for (int index = 0; index < parts.length; index++) {
                    input[index] = Integer.valueOf(parts[index]);
        } while (!line.isEmpty());
    private String processArray(int[] input) {
        int[] zeros = new int[input.length];
        int[] ones = new int[input.length];
        int[] other = new int[input.length];
        int zeroIndex = 0;
        int oneIndex = 0;
        int otherIndex = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < input.length; index++) {
            boolean isOther = true;
            if (isDigit(input[index], 0)) {
                zeros[zeroIndex++] = index;
                isOther = false;
            if (isDigit(input[index], 1)) {
                ones[oneIndex++] = index;
                isOther = false;
            if (isOther) {
                other[otherIndex++] = index;
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.append(" found number 1, at position ");
        builder.append(appendIndexes(ones, oneIndex));
        builder.append(" found number 0, at position ");
        builder.append(appendIndexes(zeros, zeroIndex));
        builder.append(" found others, at position ");
        builder.append(appendIndexes(other, otherIndex));
        return builder.toString();
    private boolean isDigit(int value, int digit) {
        if (value == 0 && digit == 0) {
            return true;
        while (value > 0) {
            int temp = value / 10;
            int remainder = value % 10;
            if (remainder == digit) {
                return true;
            value = temp;
        return false;
    private StringBuilder appendIndexes(int[] array, int length) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
            builder.append(array[index] + 1);
            if (index < (length - 1)) {
                builder.append(" ");
        return builder;


Assuming that your input is a line containing integer numbers separated by space, you could read them all and then loop the String items via:假设您的输入是一行包含以空格分隔的整数,您可以读取它们,然后通过以下方式循环String项:

String input = Sc.readLine().split(" ");
int positions[] = new int[input.length];
int zeros = 0;
String zeroString = "";
int ones = 0;
String oneString = "";
int others = 0;
String otherString = "";
for (String item : input) {
    boolean isOther = true;
    String appendix = " " + item;
    if (item.indexOf("0") >= 0) {
        isOther = false;
        zeroString += appendix;
    if (item.indexOf("1") >= 0) {
        isOther = false;
        oneString += appendix;
    if (isOther) {
        otherString += appendix;
System.out.println(ones + " found number 1, at position " + oneString);
System.out.println(zeros + " found number 0, at position " + zeroString);
System.out.println(others + " found others, at position " + otherString);

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