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w3c 验证器给我:错误:范围内没有 p 元素,但看到了 ap 结束标记。 另一个问题我可以在另一个元素中嵌套一个块级元素吗?

[英]w3c validator gives me : Error: No p element in scope but a p end tag seen. another question can i nest a block level element inside another one?

this is the part of the code that the error in and idont know what the fault did i do here ?这是错误的代码部分,我不知道我在这里做错了什么?


    <li> <em> Markup </em>is just a text that has a special meaning also it tellls the browser what the text should look like or how its arranged 
</p> it says that this closing hasnt any opening tag


     <li> elements with no contents in it are called "void elements" or "empty elements" 

Add </li> in the end of each <li> .在每个<li>的末尾添加</li> <li> Also inside the <ol> you do not need a <p>...</p>同样在<ol>您不需要<p>...</p>


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