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在 JFlex 中执行动作之前检查条件是否满足

[英]check if condition is met before executing the action in JFlex

I am writing a lexical analyzer using JFlex.我正在使用 JFlex 编写词法分析器。 When the word co is matched, we have to ignore what comes after until the end of the line (because it's a comment).当单词co匹配时,我们必须忽略行尾之前的内容(因为它是注释)。 For the moment, I have a boolean variable that changes to true whenever this word is matched and if an identifier or an operator is matched after co until the end of the line, I simply ignore it because I have an if condition in my Identifier and Operator token identification.目前,我有一个布尔变量,只要匹配这个词,它就会变为true并且如果标识符或运算符在co之后匹配到行尾,我只是忽略它,因为我的Identifier有一个if条件,并且Operator令牌识别。
I am wondering if there is better way to do this and get rid of this if statement that appears everywhere?我想知道是否有更好的方法来做到这一点并摆脱这种随处可见的if语句?

Here is the code:这是代码:

%% // Options of the scanner

%class Lexer     

    private boolean isCommentOpen = false;
    private void toggleIsCommentOpen() {
        this.isCommentOpen = ! this.isCommentOpen;
    private boolean getIsCommentOpen() {
        return this.isCommentOpen;

Operators           = [\+\-]
Identifier          = [A-Z]*

EndOfLine           = \r|\n|\r\n

{Operators}         {
                        if (! getIsBlockCommentOpen() && ! getIsCommentOpen()) {
                            // Do Code
{Identifier}        {
                        if (! getIsBlockCommentOpen() && ! getIsCommentOpen()) {
                            // Do Code

"co"                {

.                   {}

{EndOfLine}         {
                        if (getIsCommentOpen()) {

One way to do this is to use states in JFlex.一种方法是在 JFlex 中使用状态。 We say that every time the word co is matched, we enter in a state named COMMENT_STATE and we do nothing until the end of the line.我们说每次匹配单词co ,我们都会进入一个名为COMMENT_STATE的状态,并且直到行尾我们什么都不做。 After the end of the line, we exit the COMMENT_STATE state.行结束后,我们退出COMMENT_STATE状态。 So here is the code:所以这里是代码:

%% // Options of the scanner

%class Lexer     

Operators           = [\+\-]
Identifier          = [A-Z]*

EndOfLine           = \r|\n|\r\n


    "co" {yybegin(COMMENT_STATE);}

    {EndOfLine} {yybegin(YYINITIAL);}
    .           {}

{Operators} {// Do Code}  
{Identifier} {// Do Code} 

. {}

{EndOfLine} {}

With this new approach, the lexer is more simpler and it's also more readable.使用这种新方法,词法分析器更简单,也更易读。

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