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确定在 jmeter 测试期间/之后使用了多少网络带宽

[英]Determining how much of the network bandwith is utilized during/after a jmeter test

I want to understand how to determine whether my internet connection is a bottleneck or not during a jmeter stress test.我想了解如何在 jmeter 压力测试期间确定我的互联网连接是否是瓶颈。

Here is a bit of background for my problem:这是我的问题的一些背景:

I made a stress test with a 2 hours duration, with 2000 threads ramped up over the whole 2 hours duration hoping to find the upper limit of the server, but I am thinking that maybe I hit some other limit and not the server's, as it's not shutting down, aka not responding with 4xx or 5xx error codes.我做了一个持续时间为 2 小时的压力测试,在整个 2 小时的持续时间内增加了 2000 个线程,希望找到服务器的上限,但我想也许我达到了其他限制而不是服务器的限制,因为它是不关闭,也就是不响应 4xx 或 5xx 错误代码。 I can only see in the report that the transactions per second go fairly quickly to 580, but they then will not go above.我只能在报告中看到每秒的事务数很快达到 580,但它们不会超过。

When I run the stress test against one server endpoint and the load keeps increasing, I need to be connected to a VPN to have access to that endpoint.当我对一个服务器端点运行压力测试并且负载不断增加时,我需要连接到 VPN 才能访问该端点。

Most of the stress test runs I tried, behave like this:我尝试过的大多数压力测试都运行如下: 在此处输入图片说明

Although, the number of threads increases, like this:虽然线程数增加了,像这样: 在此处输入图片说明

And I only have Non-HTTP error response codes which are not reflected in the server logs, aka the server reports no 4xx or 5xx error codes:而且我只有非 HTTP 错误响应代码,这些代码没有反映在服务器日志中,也就是服务器没有报告 4xx 或 5xx 错误代码: 在此处输入图片说明

The server will not go over 580 TPS, but it will not throw errors either:服务器不会超过 580 TPS,但也不会抛出错误: 在此处输入图片说明

As per this site , my internet connection (via cable or wifi, I see no major difference) has 1ms ping, 400-420 Mbps download capacity and around 250 Mbps upload capacity - granted, this is calculated with some server selected by them, located relatively near to my location.根据本网站,我的互联网连接(通过电缆或 wifi,我认为没有太大区别)有 1ms ping、400-420 Mbps 下载容量和大约 250 Mbps 上传容量 - 当然,这是通过他们选择的一些服务器计算得出的,位于离我的位置比较近。

How can I know how much of that "pipe" capacity is being used so that I can say with certainty that my internet connection is not a bottleneck?我如何知道有多少“管道”容量被使用,以便我可以肯定地说我的互联网连接不是瓶颈? Can the VPN be a bottleneck? VPN 会成为瓶颈吗?

There are multiple options like:有多种选择,例如:

  1. Bytes Throughput Over Time chart which is a part of JMeter's HTML Reporting Dashboard 字节吞吐量随时间变化图表,它是 JMeter 的 HTML 报告仪表板的一部分


  2. Bytes Throughput Over Time chart from JMeter Plugin s project来自JMeter 插件项目的字节吞吐量随时间变化图表


  3. JMeter PerfMon Plugin which provides complete Network IO metrics JMeter PerfMon 插件,提供完整的网络 IO 指标


  4. Your operating system should provide built-in applications for network monitoring您的操作系统应提供用于网络监控的内置应用程序

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