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[英]Catch transaction rejection- moralis

Hi I am working with Moralis using the 1inch plugin.嗨,我正在使用 1inch 插件与 Moralis 合作。 I am having a hard time understanding where to catch a transaction rejection error.我很难理解在哪里捕获交易拒绝错误。 IE when I reject the transaction I would like to give a message of sorts. IE 当我拒绝交易时,我想给出某种信息。 Thanks.谢谢。

async function trySwap() {
      let address = Moralis.User.current().get("ethAddress");
      let amount = Number(fromAmount) * 10**fromTokenDecimals;
      if (tokenSymbol !== "ETH") {
        const allowance = await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.hasAllowance({
          chain: "eth", // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
          fromTokenAddress: tokenAddress, // The token you want to swap
          fromAddress: address, // Your wallet address
          amount: amount,
        if (!allowance) {
          await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.approve({
            chain: "eth", // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
            tokenAddress: tokenAddress, // The token you want to swap
            fromAddress: address, // Your wallet address
      try {
        await doSwap(address, amount);
        alert("Swap Complete");
      } catch (error) {
        alert('Insufficient ETH')
    function doSwap(userAddress, amount) {
      return Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.swap({
        chain: "eth", // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
        fromTokenAddress: tokenAddress, // The token you want to swap
        toTokenAddress: totokenAddress, // The token you want to receive
        amount: amount,
        fromAddress: userAddress, // Your wallet address
        slippage: 1,

and this is the error这是错误

MetaMask - RPC Error: MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature. 
Object { code: 4001, message: "MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature." }
Uncaught (in promise) 
Object { code: 4001, message: "MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.", stack:

You need to edit your code a bit : add catch with then .您需要稍微编辑一下代码:使用then添加catch Here is a example:下面是一个例子:

async function trySwap(params) {
        const { fromToken, fromAmount, chain } = params;
        const amount = Moralis.Units.Token(fromAmount, fromToken.decimals).toString();
        if (fromToken.address !== "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee") {
          await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch
              chain, // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
              fromTokenAddress: fromToken.address, // The token you want to swap
              fromAddress: walletAddress, // Your wallet address
            .then(async (allowance) => {
              if (!allowance) {
                await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.approve({
                  chain, // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
                  tokenAddress: fromToken.address, // The token you want to swap
                  fromAddress: walletAddress, // Your wallet address
            .catch((e) => alert(e.message));

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