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自定义机器人命令不适用于 discord.py 制作的不和谐机器人

[英]Custom bot command not working for discord bot made by discord.py

So basically I've created a discord bot.所以基本上我已经创建了一个不和谐的机器人。 It has the function to add role to users if the user writes a particular type of message on a particular channel.如果用户在特定频道上写入特定类型的消息,它具有为用户添加角色的功能。 I've removed the default help command by this code bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', help_command=None) but When the add role process is working the bot is ignoring the commands specially the help command the code is here:我已经通过这个代码bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', help_command=None)删除了默认的帮助命令,但是当添加角色过程正在工作时,机器人会忽略命令,特别是帮助命令,代码在这里:

async def help(ctx):
    embeding = discord.Embed(description='Some Message')
    await ctx.send(embed=embeding)

How can I fix this issue?我该如何解决这个问题?

I'm using on_message function for assigning roles我正在使用on_message函数来分配角色

You haven't shown us your role command so there is only so much I can recommend.你还没有向我们展示你的角色命令,所以我只能推荐这么多。

First of all, you may be better of using the following code after you define your bot:首先,您最好在定义机器人后使用以下代码:


Using an on_message function will often also disable your other commands, so be sure to add this line of code to the bottom of your on_message function:使用on_message函数通常也会禁用您的其他命令,因此请务必将这行代码添加到on_message函数的底部:

await bot.process_commands(message)

import os

import discord

from discord import member

from discord import message

from discord import embeds

from discord import guild

import discord.ext.commands as commands

import dotenv

import random

intents = discord.Intents.default()

intents.members = True


bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', help_command=None)


async def on_ready():
   print("I'm online")


async def help(ctx):

    embeding = discord.Embed(description='Description I wanted')
    await ctx.send(embed=embeding)


async def on_message(message):

    cont = True
    member = message.author
    role = discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, id=ROLE_ID)
    splits = message.content.split("-")

    if len(splits) != 4:

    cont = False

        if (int(splits[0]) > 0 and int(splits[0]) < 1000):
            cont = True
    except ValueError:
        cont = False

    if splits[1] not in [#Some Options here]:
        cont = False

    if splits[2] not in [#Some Options here]:
        cont = False

        if int(splits[3]) <= 2022:
            cont = True
    except ValueError:
        cont = False

    if cont and str(message.channel) == #SomeChannel:    
        await discord.Member.add_roles(member, role)
        await message.channel.send(#Message on getting the role)
    await bot.process_commands(message)


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