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iOS15 - 如果新视图的出现更新 ObservedObject,则第一个 NavigationLink 不起作用

[英]iOS15 - First NavigationLink doesn't work if onAppear of new view updates ObservedObject

This is a really weird issue that I haven't been able to resolve.这是一个非常奇怪的问题,我一直无法解决。

It happens only on iOS 15 and only the 1st time I try to open this specific NavigationLink.它仅在 iOS 15 上发生,并且仅在我第一次尝试打开此特定 NavigationLink 时发生。

I have 3 SwiftUI Views:我有 3 个 SwiftUI 视图:

  • ContentView (entry point) ContentView(入口点)
  • DetailView详细视图
  • ItemView项目视图

ContentView is a list of DetailViews and in detail views there can be any amount if ItemViews. ContentView 是一个 DetailViews 列表,在详细视图中,如果 ItemViews.

I have an ObservableObject with a Published property count , that is only accessed from ContentView.我有一个 ObservableObject,其Published属性count只能从 ContentView 访问。 In ItemView I have function that's triggered by onAppear , that updates count in the ObservedObject.在 ItemView 中,我有一个由onAppear触发的onAppear ,它更新 ObservedObject 中的count

When I open an ItemView for the first time after opening the App, it moves to the view but immediately goes back to DetailView.当我在打开应用程序后第一次打开 ItemView 时,它移动到视图但立即返回到 DetailView。 It doesn't happen, when I open it again, even though count is updated again.它不会发生,当我再次打开它时,即使count再次更新。

I have spent a lot of time debugging this issue, but I'm out of ideas.我花了很多时间调试这个问题,但我没有想法。 I have tried reproducing it in a Swift Playground, but everything I've tried there seems to work as expected.我曾尝试在 Swift Playground 中重现它,但我在那里尝试过的一切似乎都按预期工作。

I hope someone has an idea on how I can resolve this issue, I would be most grateful!我希望有人知道我如何解决这个问题,我将不胜感激!

If you are using a nav link, I would highly suggest using a custom one instead.如果您使用的是导航链接,我强烈建议您改用自定义链接。 I can't understand why this is only happening in ios 15 for you, but I have had a similar bugs with the same views/logic in previous OS versions.我不明白为什么这只会在 ios 15 中发生,但我在以前的操作系统版本中遇到了具有相同视图/逻辑的类似错误。


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