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Laravel HasManyThrough 深厚的关系

[英]Laravel HasManyThrough deep relationship

I have a multi-tenant setup where a tenant HasMany workspaces and a workspace BelongsToMany students.我有一个多租户设置,其中一个租户HasMany工作空间和工作空间BelongsToMany学生。 How do I create a relationship from the tenant where I retrieve all the students from all workspaces within the tenant?如何从租户创建关系,从中检索租户内所有工作区的所有学生?

I've took a look at hasManyThrough but that does not solve the problem.我查看了hasManyThrough但这并不能解决问题。 Right now I have this function:现在我有这个功能:

public function getStudents()
    $this->workspaces()->get()->map(function ($workspace) {
        return $workspace->students;

But I'd like to do it in a relation instead of the above code.但我想用关系而不是上面的代码来做。 Any advice?有什么建议吗?

Tenant :HasMany=> Workspace(tenant_id) :BelongsToMany=> Student(student_workspace table)

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

You could do it through join like:你可以通过join来做到这一点:

public function students(){
    return Student::select('students.*')
        ->join('student_workspace', 'students.id', '=', 'student_workspace.student_id')
        ->join('workspaces', 'workspaces.id', '=', 'student_workspace.workspace_id')
        ->join('tenants', 'tenants.id', '=', 'workspaces.tenant_id')
        ->where('tenants.id', $this->id);

Or like any normal relation using this package: hasManyDeep through the following steps:或者像使用这个包的任何正常关系一样: hasManyDeep通过以下步骤:


composer require staudenmeir/eloquent-has-many-deep

In your Workspace model file:在您的Workspace模型文件中:

public function students()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Student::class, 'student_workspace');

In your Tenant model file:在您的Tenant模型文件中:

use \Staudenmeir\EloquentHasManyDeep\HasRelationships;

class Tenant extends Model

    use HasFactory, HasRelationships;

    public function students(){
        return $this->hasManyDeepFromRelations($this->workspaces(), (new Workspace)->students());


Hope this would be helpful.希望这会有所帮助。

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