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如何使用 podman 为无根容器设置内部和外部网络

[英]How to setup internal and external networking for rootless containers with podman

I am trying to get networking working with rootless containers using podman.我正在尝试使用 podman 使网络与无根容器一起工作。 Getting either external networking up and running or internal networking is not the issue.启动并运行外部网络或内部网络都不是问题。 Using the --network option, containers are able to see each other.使用 --network 选项,容器可以看到彼此。 However ping does not work.但是 ping 不起作用。 Starting containers without --network or with --network=slirp4netns ping does work as expected.在没有 --network 或 --network=slirp4netns ping 的情况下启动容器确实按预期工作。 Of course in the latter case, there is no internal networking.当然在后一种情况下,没有内部网络。 What I think this tells me is that host is not blocking external access from within containers.我认为这告诉我的是主机并没有阻止来自容器内的外部访问。 The issues that I am facing is that I seem to be unable to get both internal and external networking working within containers at the same time.我面临的问题是我似乎无法同时在容器内使内部和外部网络工作。

> podman network ls 
2f259bab93aa  podman         0.4.0       bridge,portmap,firewall,tuning
6129a34887d3  container-net  0.4.0       bridge,portmap,firewall,tuning,dnsname

I am starting containers like so:我正在启动这样的容器:

podman pod create \
  --network container-net \
  --network-alias test-pod \
  --hostname test-01 \
  --name test-pod

Contents of start-test.sh : start-test.sh内容:

podman run --rm -it \
  --pod test-pod \
  --network=container-net \
  --dns-search dns.podman \
  --name test-01 \
  --network-alias test-01 \
  docker.io/alpine /bin/sh
> ./start-test.sh 
/ # ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
> podman --version
podman version 3.3.1

I have checked that selinux is not the cause by test with: setenforce 0 as well.我已经通过测试检查了 selinux 不是原因: setenforce 0也是如此。

Is it possible to get both internal and external networking working within containers and if so, what does one need to do?是否可以在容器内同时使用内部和外部网络,如果可以,需要做什么?

I just tried this on RHEL 8 and I was able to reproduce this issue.我刚刚在 RHEL 8 上尝试了这个,我能够重现这个问题。 We also figured out the issue (I think).我们也解决了这个问题(我认为)。 Try the following:请尝试以下操作:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"须藤 sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"

You might be being limited by the group range and /etc/subuid /etc/subgid:您可能受到组范围和 /etc/subuid /etc/subgid 的限制:

https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/icmp.7.html https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/icmp.7.html

I'm not sure what the long term solution is yet, but if this works, you can likely fix it with sysctl for now.我不确定长期解决方案是什么,但如果可行,您现在可以使用 sysctl 修复它。

The issue I was having was not related to any configuration.我遇到的问题与任何配置无关。 As it turned out after having removed all podman created networks, rebooting the machine and recreating the networks I needed, the containers behave as expected, ie internal and external networking are working.事实证明,在删除所有 podman 创建的网络、重新启动机器并重新创建我需要的网络后,容器的行为符合预期,即内部和外部网络都在工作。

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