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如何在visual studio上运行asp.net core mvc项目?

[英]How to run asp.net core mvc project on visual studio?

I am trying to learn asp.net core mvc and I am following this tutorial , when I am trying to run a project (clicking IIS Express button) it builds only .我正在尝试学习 asp.net core mvc 并且我正在关注教程,当我尝试运行一个项目(单击 IIS Express 按钮)时,它仅构建。


check which browser is selected by default, if you have only one browser then change the launch method to your application name, it will be MvcMovie检查默认选择哪个浏览器,如果您只有一个浏览器,则将启动方法更改为您的应用程序名称,它将是MvcMovie


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