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[英]Display 'new' badge on Blog menu item after new blog post

I'm trying to have a 'new' badge display on my menu beside the "Blog" menu item after a new blog post, and hide after 3 weeks if there's no new posts.. to let visitors know when there's a new post.我正在尝试在发布新博文后在“博客”菜单项旁边的菜单上显示“新”徽章,如果没有新博文,则在 3 周后隐藏……以便访问者知道何时有新博文。 The badge is a png.徽章是一个 png。


I've looked for a new-post hook, but can't find anything with a time limit.我已经寻找了一个新的帖子钩子,但找不到任何有时间限制的东西。

This might get you going, put it in your functions.php file, edit as you see fit:这可能会让你开始,把它放在你的functions.php文件中,按照你认为合适的方式进行编辑:

function add_icon_to_menu_item( $menu_items ) {

    $menu_title_search = 'Blog';
    $icon_html = '<img src="new_icon.png">';

    $last_post = strtotime( get_lastpostdate() );
    $new_icon_limit = strtotime( '+3 weeks', $last_post ) - strtotime( 'now' );

    foreach ( $menu_items as $menu_item ) {

        if ( $menu_item->title === $menu_title_search && ( $new_icon_limit > 0 ) ) {
            $menu_item->title = "$menu_title_search $icon_html";

    return $menu_items;
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects', 'add_icon_to_menu_item', 10, 2);

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