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如何在 vscode 中调试 golang cobra cli 应用程序

[英]how to debug golang cobra cli app in vscode

I have a golang cobra cli app.我有一个 golang cobra cli 应用程序。 have configured my vscode for debugging.已经配置了我的 vscode 进行调试。 I want to debug a specific command using vscode for my application.我想使用 vscode 为我的应用程序调试特定命令。

I am using this launch.json我正在使用这个launch.json

            "name": "Launch Package",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "debug",
            "program": "${fileDirname}"

If I select main.go and start debugging it just prints the help for my command.如果我选择 main.go 并开始调试,它只会打印我的命令的帮助。 How can I debug a particular cli subcommand in vscode?如何在 vscode 中调试特定的 cli 子命令? Like say abc create or abc version就像说 abc 创建或 abc 版本

If I select a subcommand package and then debug it says : Failed to launch :could not launch process:not an executalbe file如果我选择一个子命令包然后调试它说:无法启动:无法启动进程:不是可执行文件

You can configure the VSCode launch configuration to pass arguments using:您可以配置 VSCode 启动配置以使用以下方法传递参数:

            "name": "Launch Package",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "debug",
            "program": "${fileDirname}"
            "args": ["arg1", ...]

Note that you may prefer to write the path to your main go file in the program field so that you can run/debug no matter what file you are currently on.请注意,您可能更喜欢在program字段中写入主 go 文件的路径,以便无论您当前在哪个文件上都可以运行/调试。


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