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在Oracle Forms中使用.NET Web服务

[英]Consuming .NET web service in Oracle Forms

I have a web service that i need to consume in Oracle Forms. 我有一个需要在Oracle Forms中使用的Web服务。 The web service is SOAP based service and was generated using Microsoft Biztalk Server. 该Web服务是基于SOAP的服务,是使用Microsoft Biztalk Server生成的。 The service accepts a complex xml message as its request and returns a similar xml message as response. 该服务接受复杂的xml消息作为其请求,并返回类似的xml消息作为响应。
I want to consume this service from within my Oracle Forms Application (Forms version 我想从Oracle Forms Application(Forms版本10.中使用此服务。 I followed the guidelines and added its reference from WSDL, a few java classes were generated for me but this is where I lost it. 我遵循了指南,并从WSDL中添加了它的参考,为我生成了一些Java类,但这是我丢失它的地方。
From the generated code, i see that i might have to create a vector which consists of the complete hierarchy of xml schema that is expected by the service. 从生成的代码中,我看到我可能必须创建一个向量,该向量由服务期望的xml模式的完整层次结构组成。 But i need some advice in how to do so. 但是我需要一些建议。
Has anybody worked on similar services before? 以前有人从事过类似服务吗? Please share your experience or any helpful resources. 请分享您的经验或任何有用的资源。
Thanks. 谢谢。

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