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C++ std:cout 不会打印,尽管我使用 std::endl 输入换行符并刷新

[英]C++ std:cout won't print, despite me using std::endl to enter newline and flush

I'm new to C++ (and mainly programming in general).我是 C++ 的新手(主要是一般的编程)。

I'm trying to write a basic program to output the Taylor expansion of x = 1.5 from n = 1 to n = 100. My code is this:我正在尝试编写一个基本程序来输出 x = 1.5 从 n = 1 到 n = 100 的泰勒展开式。我的代码是这样的:

#include <iostream>

int main() {

        double x = 1.5;
        double expx = 1;
        double summand = 1;
        for (int n=1; n <100; ++n) {
                summand *= x/n;
                expx += summand;

        return expx

        std::cout << "final expx from n = 1 to 100 is " << expx << std::endl;

When I run it, it runs without errors on terminal, but displays no output at all.当我运行它时,它在终端上运行没有错误,但根本不显示任何输出。 I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong as when I run other code I've written, similar to this, I don't have a problem.我不太确定我做错了什么,因为当我运行我编写的其他代码时,与此类似,我没有问题。

What you should have done is create an expx() function and output the result of that.您应该做的是创建一个 expx() 函数并输出其结果。

#include <iostream>

double expx()
    double x = 1.5;
    double expx = 1.0;
    double summand = 1.0;
    for (int n=1; n <100; ++n) 
        summand *= x/n;
        expx += summand;
    return expx;

int main() 
    double value = expx();
    std::cout << "final expx from n = 1 to 100 is " << value << std::endl;

Anything that you write after a return statement inside a function won't execute.您在函数内的 return 语句之后编写的任何内容都不会执行。 You need to switch the last two lines around, ie:您需要切换最后两行,即:

std::cout << "final expx from n = 1 to 100 is " << expx << std::endl;
return expx

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