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[英]How to change value of hook state in jest?

I'm new to jest.我是新来的笑话。 I'm trying to change hook state in jest.But I couldn't find any docs for implementing the same.Following is my hook state in SignIn screen.我正在尝试在玩笑中更改挂钩状态。但我找不到任何用于实现相同功能的文档。以下是我在登录屏幕中的挂钩状态。

const [form, setForm] = React.useState({
    email: "",
    phoneNumber: "",
    password: "",
    signUpType: SignUpType.PHONE_NUMBER,

I want to change the state of signUpType to EMAIL while testing.How this can be achieved ?I've done the following我想在测试时将signUpType的状态signUpTypeEMAIL 。如何实现?我已经完成了以下操作

it("Email validation", () => {
    const email = "sample.s@abc.com";
    // Stub the initial state
    const stubInitialState = [{ signUpTyp: "EMAIL" }];
    React.useState = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([stubInitialState, {}]);

    const tree = mount(
      <Provider store={configureStore}>
        <SignIn />

But the above code is not working for me.Please help me to find a solution for this.Also the TextInput will be either email or phoneNumebr depending on user selection.但是上面的代码对我不起作用。请帮我找到解决方案。此外,根据用户的选择, TextInput将是emailphoneNumebr

You can try to use the jest.spyOn api to mock the React.useState method:你可以尝试使用jest.spyOn api 来模拟React.useState方法:

const stubInitialState = [{ signUpTyp: "EMAIL" }];
const mockedSetform = jest.fn();

jest.spyOn(React, 'useState').mockReturnValue([stubInitialState, mockedSetform]);

jest.spyOn jest.spyOn

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