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这个 Java 类的 Kotlin 等价物是什么

[英]What is the Kotlin equivalent of this Java class

I am trying to convert the following Java class in Kotlin我正在尝试在 Kotlin 中转换以下 Java 类

abstract class BaseExpandedViewCreator implements NotificationViewCreator
   protected  RawNotification rawNotification;
   protected final Context context;

   BaseExpandedViewCreator(@NonNull Context context)
       this.context = Objects.requireNonNull(context);

  public void setRawNotification(@NonNull RawNotification rawNotification)
      this.rawNotification = rawNotification;

  * Override this function to initialise {@link RawNotification} for view creators if needed.
 protected void initRawNotification(@NonNull RawNotification rawNotification) {}

Kotlin interface Kotlin 接口

interface NotificationViewCreator {

   fun setRawNotification(rawNotification: RawNotification)

This is my implementation:这是我的实现:

    abstract class BaseExpandedViewCreator(
        protected val context: Context
    ):NotificationViewCreator {

    var rawNotification: RawNotification ? = null

    fun setRawNotification(rawNotification: RawNotification) {
        this.rawNotification = rawNotification
     fun initRawNotification(rawNotification: RawNotification) {}

I get the following error我收到以下错误

Platform declaration clash: The following declarations have the same JVM signature (setRawNotification(Lcom/myproject/RawNotification;)V): 
public final fun <set-rawNotification>(<set-?>: RawNotification): Unit defined in com.myproject.BaseExpandedViewCreator
public final fun setRawNotification(rawNotification: RawNotification): Unit defined in com.myproject.BaseExpandedViewCreator

You can change visibility of var rawNotification to private to avoid property/setter name clash:您可以将var rawNotification可见性更改为private以避免属性/设置器名称冲突:

abstract class BaseExpandedViewCreator(
        private val context: Context
): NotificationViewCreator {

    private lateinit var rawNotification: RawNotification // if you want non-nullable property
    // OR
    private var rawNotification: RawNotification? = null // if you are OK with nullable property

    override fun setRawNotification(rawNotification: RawNotification) {
        this.rawNotification = rawNotification

    fun initRawNotification(rawNotification: RawNotification) {}

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