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在 MUI 的自动完成中使用 tabIndex 时出错

[英]Error when use tabIndex in Autocomplete of MUI

I want to use tabIndex in autocomplete of MUI using inputProps={{ tabIndex: tabIndex ?? -1 }}我想使用tabIndex使用MUI的自动完成inputProps={{ tabIndex: tabIndex ?? -1 }} inputProps={{ tabIndex: tabIndex ?? -1 }} but when I use this property , and then clicked on dropdown button page disappear can any body help me what is the problem ? inputProps={{ tabIndex: tabIndex ?? -1 }}但是当我使用这个属性,然后点击下拉按钮页面消失时,任何身体都可以帮助我有什么问题吗?

You also need to spread the params.inputProps from the Autocomplete :您还需要从Autocomplete传播params.inputProps

  inputProps={{ ...params.inputProps, tabIndex: 1 }}

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