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为什么我的 getter/setter 方法没有按预期工作 - 怀疑这与“this”有关

[英]Why is my getter/setter methods not working as intended - suspect it is something to do with 'this'

if someone could explain why the getter method in this code is returning undefined, that would be appreciated.如果有人能解释为什么这段代码中的 getter 方法返回 undefined,那将不胜感激。 I figured it might be something to do with the 'this' context.我认为这可能与“this”上下文有关。 Is the this.appetizers returning undefined because of the this context?由于 this 上下文, this.appetizers 是否返回 undefined ? When I call a method on the object and then that method calls the get method it fails, is this because the this context changes to the function object?当我在对象上调用一个方法然后该方法调用它失败的 get 方法时,这是因为 this 上下文更改为函数对象吗? I thought this could be the case but I have another code example that does this and it works fine.我认为可能是这种情况,但我有另一个代码示例可以做到这一点,并且工作正常。

let menu = {
  _courses: {
    _appetizers: [],
    _mains: [],
    _desserts: [],
    get appetizers() {
      return this._appetizers;
    get mains() {
      return this._mains;
    get desserts() {
      return this._desserts;
    set appetizers(appetizerIn) {

    set mains(mainIn) {

    set desserts(dessetIn) {

  get courses() {
    return { 
      appetizers: this.appetizers,
     mains: this.mains,
    desserts: this.desserts };
  addDishToCourse(courseName, name, price) {
    const dish = { 
    this.courses[courseName].push(dish) // fails here
  getRandomDishFromCourse(courseName) {
    const dishes = this._courses[courseName];
    const randomDish = Math.floor(Math.random() * dishes.length);
    return dishes[randomDish];
  generateRandomMeal() {
    const appetizer = this.getRandomDishFromCourse('appetizers');
    const main = this.getRandomDishFromCourse('mains');
    const dessert = this.getRandomDishFromCourse('desserts');
    const totalPrice = appetizer.price + main.price + dessert.price;
    return `Your meal starts with a ${appetizer.name}, followed by the main dish ${main.name}, ending with a dessert of ${dessert.name}. The total price of your dish is £${totalPrice}`;

menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Caesar Salad', 4.25);
menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Potato Cakes with Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese', 5.50);
menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Smoked Salmon, Dill & Lemon Paté', 4.25);
menu.addDishToCourse('appetizers', 'Mini Avocado Toasts', 3.50);

menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Spinach & Ricotta Rotolo', 6.75);
menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Baked Sea Bass with Lemon Caper Dressing', 8.75);
menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Butternut Chilli', 7.50);
menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Grilled Miso Salmon with Rice Noodles', 8.50);
menu.addDishToCourse('mains', 'Spinach & Ricotta Rotolo', 6.75);

menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Salted Chocolate & Hazelnut Brownies', 5.00);
menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Cherry & Almond Frangipane Galette', 5.75);
menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Chocolate & Malt Loaf Torte', 5.50);
menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Chocolate Hazelnut Ice cream Cheesecake', 5.00);
menu.addDishToCourse('desserts', 'Peanut Butter Berry Crisp', 5.00);

let meal = menu.generateRandomMeal();

As mentioned in the comments, it's undefined.正如评论中提到的,它是未定义的。 This is because even though you have a getter, it still sits under the _courses object:这是因为即使你有一个 getter,它仍然位于_courses对象下:

let menu = {
  _courses: {
    _appetizers: [],
    get appetizers() {
      return this._appetizers;

So, you'll want to use this._courses.appetizers , which is a getter for this._courses._appetizers所以,你会想要使用this._courses.appetizers ,它是this._courses._appetizers一个getter

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