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如何让 WebGPU 在 Chrome Canary 97 中运行?

[英]How to make WebGPU run in Chrome Canary 97?

Whichever WebGPU example (austin-eng, jack1232/WebGPU-Step-By-Step, etc...) I run in Chrome Canary 97.0.4686.0 with unsafe WebGPU flag enabled I get some errors in console that indicate that my browser does not support WebGPU.无论哪个 WebGPU 示例(austin-eng、jack1232/WebGPU-Step-By-Step 等),我在启用了不安全 WebGPU 标志的 Chrome Canary 97.0.4686.0 中运行,我在控制台中收到一些错误,表明我的浏览器不支持网络图形处理器。

Example: https://austin-eng.com/webgpu-samples/samples/helloTriangle示例: https://austin-eng.com/webgpu-samples/samples/helloTriangle

Is WebGPU Enabled?

TypeError: Cannot read property 'requestDevice' of null

Can you reproduce this behavior?你能重现这种行为吗?

As https://web.dev/gpu/#enabling-via-about:flags says, to experiment with WebGPU locally, enable the #enable-unsafe-webgpu flag in about://flags .正如https://web.dev/gpu/#enabling-via-about:flags所说,要在本地试验 WebGPU,请在about://flags启用#enable-unsafe-webgpu about://flags

To check if WebGPU is supported, use:要检查是否支持 WebGPU,请使用:

if ("gpu" in navigator) {
  // WebGPU is supported! 🎉

Caution: The GPU adapter returned by navigator.gpu.requestAdapter() may be null .注意: navigator.gpu.requestAdapter()返回的 GPU 适配器可能为null

Recently (at least in 96), WebGPU is no longer behind a flag, instead it's now behind an origin trial.最近(至少在 96 年),WebGPU 不再处于标志之后,而是现在处于原始试验之后。 This means that you can register for a token and put it in the <head> of your webpage and it will enable WebGPU for all users.这意味着您可以注册一个令牌并将其放在网页的<head>中,它将为所有用户启用 WebGPU。

To do this, go to: https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/register_trial/118219490218475521 , fill out the form, and retrieve your token.为此,请访问: https : //developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/register_trial/118219490218475521 ,填写表格并检索您的令牌。 Note that you can also request a token for localhost for development.请注意,您还可以为localhost请求令牌以进行开发。 Then simply add <meta httpEquiv="origin-trial" content={ORIGIN_TRIAL_KEY}/> to your webpage and if registered correctly, WebGPU will be enabled for not only you but everyone that visits your site.然后只需将<meta httpEquiv="origin-trial" content={ORIGIN_TRIAL_KEY}/>到您的网页,如果注册正确,WebGPU 不仅会为您启用,还会为访问您网站的每个人启用。

if you use chrome of canary, why not use the latest canary, as far as I know, satable version is already 108, the latest canary version is 111. when you enable #enable-unsafe-webgpu in the lastest canary chrome.如果你用的是canary的chrome,为什么不用最新的canary,据我所知,satable版本已经是108,最新的canary版本是111。当你在最新的canary chrome中启用#enable-unsafe-webgpu时。 you can use ts code你可以使用 ts 代码

let adapter: GPUAdapter;
let device: GPUDevice;
export async function getGpuDevice() {
    if (device) {
        return { adapter, device }
    } else {
        try {
            adapter = (await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter())!;
            device = (await adapter!.requestDevice())!;
        } catch (e) {
            alert('your browser don‘t support webgpu\n你的浏览器不支持 webgpu');
        return { adapter, device };

good luck!祝你好运!

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