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[英]Waterfall chart on echarts4r?

Hi and thanks for reading me I'm working with a bar chart on R with the Echarts4r package, but I want to do a waterfall chart and I don't find an option to do a plot like the following on the image:嗨,感谢阅读我的文章,我正在使用 Echarts4r 包在 R 上处理条形图,但我想做一个瀑布图,但我没有找到在图像上绘制如下图的选项: 在此处输入图片说明

It's possible to do this chart type?可以做这种图表类型吗? The code I'm using for now is the following:我现在使用的代码如下:


df <- data.frame(
  var = sample(LETTERS, 5),
  value = rnorm(5, mean = 200, sd = 100)

df |> 
  e_charts(var) |> 

Not sure whether echarts4r offers an option out of the box but following with some data wrangling you could achieve your result as a stacked bar chart like so:不确定echarts4r是否提供了一个echarts4r即用的选项,但是通过一些数据整理,您可以将结果作为堆叠条形图实现,如下所示:

Disclaimer: I borrowed the basic idea from here .免责声明:我从这里借用了基本思想。



df <- data.frame(
  var = sample(LETTERS, 5),
  value = rnorm(5, mean = 200, sd = 100)

df |> 
  mutate(bottom = cumsum(dplyr::lag(value, default = 0)),
         bottom = ifelse(value < 0, bottom + value, bottom),
         top = abs(value)) |>
  e_charts(var) |> 
  e_bar(bottom, stack = "var", itemStyle = list(color = "transparent", barBorderColor  = "transparent")) |>
  e_bar(top, stack = "var")


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