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保留 10 个最近的文件夹并删除其他文件夹

[英]Keep 10 most recent folders and delete the others

I have this cmd file, where I create a backup of a database我有这个 cmd 文件,我在其中创建了数据库的备份

@echo off
Title Get FileName With Date and Time
Call :GetFileNameWithDateTime MyCurrentDate
echo %MyCurrentDate%
cd backups
MkDir %MyCurrentDate%
cd ..
cd bin
mysqldump.exe -u -p --single-transaction --routines --triggers --host test.com --databases database1 > "../backups/%MyCurrentDate%/testBackup.sql"
pause & exit
:GetFileNameWithDateTime <FileName>
for /f "skip=1" %%x in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined MyDate set "MyDate=%%x"
set "%1=%MyDate:~0,4%-%MyDate:~4,2%-%MyDate:~6,2%-%MyDate:~8,2%-%MyDate:~10,2%"
Exit /B

So What I'm trying to do is creating a script, which only alllows 10 folders to exist, and the 10 folders should always be the latest.所以我要做的是创建一个脚本,它只允许存在 10 个文件夹,并且这 10 个文件夹应该始终是最新的。 So if a 11 backup folder is made, then delete the oldest folder (1), and keep the latest (10)所以如果做了11个备份文件夹,那么删除最旧的文件夹(1),保留最新的(10)


Made a solution that works, where I skip the first 10, and if there is more than that, then we delete.做了一个有效的解决方案,我跳过前 10 个,如果有更多,那么我们删除。

set "delMsg="
for /f "skip=10 delims=" %%a in (
  'dir "backups\*" /t:c /a:d /o:-d /b'
) do (
  if not defined delMsg (
    set delMsg=1
    echo More than 10 found - only the 10 most recent folders will be preserved.
  rd /s /q "backups\%%a"

This seems more concise in PowerShell.这在 PowerShell 中似乎更简洁。 This is written for a .bat fie script.这是为 .bat fie 脚本编写的。 When you are confident that the correct directories will be deleted, remove the -WhatIf from the Remove-Item command.当您确信将删除正确的目录时,请从Remove-Item命令中Remove-Item -WhatIf

powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command ^
    Get-ChildItem -Directory 'C:\backup\*' | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -Skip 10 | Remove-Item -Recurse -WhatIf


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