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使用 StreamReader vb.net 的行文本文件索引

[英]Index of line textfile using StreamReader vb.net

How can I use this code?我怎样才能使用这个代码?

TextBox1.Text = Array.FindIndex(linestring, Function(s) s.Contains(something))

but to use the code, without a word, and to display my array index following the code below:但是要使用代码,一言不发,并按照以下代码显示我的数组索引:

Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Using reader As New StreamReader(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath + ("\Data.txt"))
    Dim line As String
    Do Until line.StartsWith(endPrefix)

        line = reader.ReadLine()

        'maybe here index of array 


so how do I use this to get the line index from my text files?那么如何使用它从我的文本文件中获取行索引?

Here is an example which uses the File.ReadLines method (which enumerates the lines of a file) where you can pass the predicate for the comparison to get the line number (starting at 1) of the first match:这是一个使用File.ReadLines方法(枚举文件的行)的示例,您可以在其中传递谓词进行比较以获取第一个匹配项的行号(从 1 开始):

Imports System.IO

Module Module1

    Function FindLineNumber(sourceFile As String, textToFind As String, predicate As Func(Of String, String, Boolean)) As Integer
        Dim lineNo = 1

        For Each l In File.ReadLines(sourceFile)
            If predicate(l, textToFind) Then
                Return lineNo
            End If
            lineNo += 1

        Return -1

    End Function

    Sub Main()
        ' File to look in:
        Dim src = "C:\temp\population.csv"
        ' Text to find:
        Dim find = "133"

        Dim lineNum = FindLineNumber(src, find, Function(a, b) a.Contains(b))

        If lineNum > 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine($"""{find}"" found at line {lineNum}.")
            Console.WriteLine($"""{find}"" not found.")
        End If


    End Sub

End Module

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