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我们可以使用带有 Spring boot 2.5.2 的 Ribbon 实现客户端负载平衡吗?

[英]Can we implement client side load balancing with Ribbon with Spring boot 2.5.2?

we are trying to upgrade our code from spring boot 1.x to spring boot 2.5.2 and we were taking advantage of ribbon for client side load balancing with older version of spring boot (1.x).我们正在尝试将我们的代码从 spring boot 1.x 升级到 spring boot 2.5.2,并且我们正在利用功能区与旧版本的 spring boot (1.x) 进行客户端负载平衡。

Now, when I'm referring to the spring cloud netflix documentation, they are still referring to 'ribbon' for client side load balancing here现在,当我提到 spring cloud netflix 文档时,他们在这里仍然指的是客户端负载平衡的“功能区”

https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-netflix#overview . https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-netflix#overview

But, some other place, spring documentation says, they dropped support for netflix ribbon in recent spring boot and i see the spring boot cloud starter is not pulling the ribbon dependencies when i switch to spring boot 2.5.2但是,在其他地方,spring 文档说,他们在最近的 Spring Boot 中放弃了对 netflix 功能区的支持,我看到当我切换到 Spring Boot 2.5.2 时,Spring Boot Cloud Starter 没有拉动功能区依赖项

Now, my question is, if i upgrade my Spring boot version from 1.x to 2.5.2 and add the netflix ribbon dependencies ( explicitly) can i still take advantage of ribbon for client side load balancing ?现在,我的问题是,如果我将 Spring Boot 版本从 1.x 升级到 2.5.2 并添加 netflix 功能区依赖项(明确),我是否仍然可以利用功能区进行客户端负载平衡?

All i'm trying to understand is, would spring boot 2.5.2 work with netflix ribbon (if i add the netflix ribbon dependencies by myself) ?我想了解的是,spring boot 2.5.2 是否可以与 netflix 功能区一起使用(如果我自己添加了 netflix 功能区依赖项)?

Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon is no longer supported.不再支持 Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon。 We suggest using Spring Cloud LoadBalancer as a replacement.我们建议使用 Spring Cloud LoadBalancer 作为替代。 You can find the documentation here and a guide here .你可以找到的文件在这里和导向这里 We suggest using start.spring.io to find out the versions of Spring Cloud compatible with the supported versions of Spring Boot.我们建议使用start.spring.io来查找与支持的 Spring Boot 版本兼容的 Spring Cloud 版本。

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