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Jetpack Compose - 具有最大宽度的项目的 Horizo​​ntalPager 项目间距/填充

[英]Jetpack Compose - HorizontalPager item spacing/padding for items with max width

Using Jetpack Compose and the accompanist pager, I'm trying to create a HorizontalPager where:使用 Jetpack Compose 和伴奏寻呼机,我正在尝试创建一个HorizontalPager ​​ntalPager,其中:

  1. Edges of items to the left and right of current item are shown显示当前项目左侧和右侧的项目边缘
  2. There is a max width to the Pager items Pager项目有一个最大宽度

As an example, I wrote the following code (for simplicities sake, I made Text items, but in reality, I'm actually making more complex Card items):例如,我编写了以下代码(为了简单起见,我制作了Text项,但实际上,我实际上制作了更复杂的Card项):

fun MyText(modifier: Modifier) {
    text = LOREM_IPSUM_TEXT,
    modifier = modifier
      .border(BorderStroke(1.dp, Color.Red))

fun MyPager(pagerItem: @Composable () -> Unit = {}) {
  Scaffold {
      modifier = Modifier
        // In case items in the VP are taller than the screen -> scrollable
    ) {
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(32.dp),
        itemSpacing = 16.dp,
        count = 3,
      ) {

fun MyPager_200dpWidth() {
  MyPager { MyText(modifier = Modifier.widthIn(max = 200.dp)) }

fun MyPager_500dpWidth() {
  MyPager { MyText(modifier = Modifier.widthIn(max = 500.dp)) }

fun MyPager_FillMaxWidth() {
  MyPager { MyText(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) }

The issue I'm having is that when I make the item have a max width that seems to be smaller than the screen width (see MyPager_200dpWidth ), I no longer see the items on the side anymore.我遇到的问题是,当我使项目的最大宽度似乎小于屏幕宽度(请参阅MyPager_200dpWidth )时,我不再看到侧面的项目。 On the other hand, using items with larger max widths (See MyPager_500dpWidth ) or fillMaxWidth (See MyPager_FillMaxWidth ) allows me to see the items on the side.另一方面,使用最大宽度较大的项目(参见MyPager_500dpWidth )或fillMaxWidth (参见MyPager_FillMaxWidth )可以让我看到侧面的项目。

It seems weird to me that items with the smaller max width are actually taking up more horizontal space than the items with the larger max width.在我看来,最大宽度较小的项目实际上比最大宽度较大的项目占用了更多的水平空间。 This can be shown in the Preview section...这可以显示在预览部分...


See how the images on the left ( MyPager_500dpWidth) and middle ( MyPager_FillMaxWidth ) show the next item, while the image on the right ( MyPager_200dpWidth`) takes up the whole screen?看看左边的图像 ( MyPager_500dpWidth) and middle ( MyPager_FillMaxWidth ) show the next item, while the image on the right ( MyPager_200dpWidth`) 是如何占据整个屏幕的? Here's another comparison when hovering my mouse over the items to see the skeleton boxes...这是将鼠标悬停在项目上以查看骨架框时的另一个比较...


Just wondering if someone could help me figure out how I can solve this use case.只是想知道是否有人可以帮助我弄清楚如何解决这个用例。 Is it possible that there's a bug in Compose? Compose中是否有可能存在错误?

The page size is controlled by the HorizontalPager.contentPadding parameter.页面大小由HorizontalPager.contentPadding参数控制。

Applying widthIn(max = 200.dp) to your text only reduces the size of your element inside the page, while the page size remains unchanged.widthIn(max = 200.dp)应用于您的文本只会减小页面内元素的大小,而页面大小保持不变。

Applying more padding should solve your problem, for example, contentPadding = PaddingValues(100.dp) looks like this:应用更多填充应该可以解决您的问题,例如contentPadding = PaddingValues(100.dp)看起来像这样:

You can fix this by adding your contentPadding like this您可以通过像这样添加 contentPadding 来解决此问题

val horizontalPadding = 16.dp
val itemWidth = 340.dp
val screenWidth = LocalConfiguration.current.screenWidthDp
val contentPadding = PaddingValues(start = horizontalPadding, end = (screenWidth - itemWidth + horizontalPadding).dp)

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