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Postgresql 索引和 seq 扫描

[英]Postgresql index and seq scan

I'm realised that one interesting thing.我意识到一件有趣的事情。 I have a table with multiple column index.我有一个带有多列索引的表。

CREATE INDEX transaction_idx ON transaction USING btree (period_id, day_id, value_type, indicator_id);

when I run query like :当我运行查询时:

select *
from transaction
where  period_id = '202104'
and day_id = 30
and  value_type = 1
and indicator_id = 2

DB will go seq scan. DB 将进行 seq 扫描。

But if I just change the day_id value to 20, then DB will go Index Scan.但是如果我只是将 day_id 值更改为 20,那么 DB 将进行索引扫描。 Go index Scan去索引扫描在此处输入图片说明

Go Seq Scan去 Seq 扫描在此处输入图片说明 I'm appreciate that if someone can share the root reason to me about it .我很感激,如果有人可以与我分享根本原因。

Thank you !谢谢 !

好的,我已经更新了 random_page_cost 值,查询按我的预期运行。

alter database db set random_page_cost=0.7;

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