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向 Azure NSG 规则添加多个 IP

[英]Add many IPs to Azure NSG rule

I have Azure NSG.我有 Azure NSG。 inside i have a rule called "Blocked_IP" I need to automate the process of updating this rule once a day with thousands of new ips (Azure max ip per rule is 4k)在里面我有一个名为“Blocked_IP”的规则,我需要每天使用数千个新 ip 自动更新此规则的过程(每个规则的 Azure 最大 ip 为 4k)

looking at the documentaiton i have 2 possible commands:查看文档我有 2 个可能的命令:

$ipsarry = Get-Content .\file.txt
az network nsg rule update -g $groupName --nsg-name $NSGName -n $ruleName --source-address-prefix $ipsarry

file.txt will hold the ips. file.txt 将保存 ips。 this will work as long file.txt hold aprox less than 500 ips, as if i add more the command will be a very very long string and there will be an exception.这将在长 file.txt 保持 aprox 小于 500 ips 时起作用,好像我添加更多命令将是一个非常长的字符串,并且会有一个例外。 i cannot add this in parts as i cannot find a way to append the data, upon each call the old data is deleted.我无法部分添加它,因为我找不到附加数据的方法,每次调用时都会删除旧数据。

using the other command使用其他命令

$NSG = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name 'test' -ResourceGroupName 'Testik'

$Params = @{
  'Name'                     = 'auto_farm_protection4'
  'NetworkSecurityGroup'     = $NSG
  'Protocol'                 = 'TCP'
  'Direction'                = 'Inbound'
  'Priority'                 = 500
  'SourceAddressPrefix'      = ","
  'SourcePortRange'          = '*'
  'DestinationAddressPrefix' = '*'
  'DestinationPortRange'     = 3389
  'Access'                   = 'Deny'

Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig @Params | Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup

will give me the same problem.会给我同样的问题。

looks like google doesnt help me much.看起来谷歌对我帮助不大。 any help would be great.任何帮助都会很棒。

You can use Set-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name <String> -NetworkSecurityGroup <PSNetworkSecurityGroup> -SourceAddressPrefix String[] .您可以使用Set-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name <String> -NetworkSecurityGroup <PSNetworkSecurityGroup> -SourceAddressPrefix String[] Load the ip address from the text file into String Array (i guess you have a delimiter separating the ip address).将文本文件中的 ip 地址加载到字符串数组中(我猜你有一个分隔符来分隔 ip 地址)。 Finally, pass it to the parameter of SourceAddressPrefix .最后,将其传递给SourceAddressPrefix的参数。

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/az.network/set-aznetworksecurityruleconfig?view=azps-6.6.0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/az.network/set-aznetworksecurityruleconfig?view=azps-6.6.0

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