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[英]How do I make an event Listener (onclick) for a single Table Cell

my question is: How can I make a table cell, for example, change text on click?我的问题是:如何制作表格单元格,例如,单击时更改文本? I tried this:我试过这个:

 function randomFunction() { document.getElementById("randomId").innerText = "random text" }
 <table> <tr> <td id="randomId" onclick="randomFunction()">random text</td> </tr> </table>

but it does the onclick attribute for the entire row.但它对整行执行 onclick 属性。

Is it possible to trigger the function only when I click on the cell ?是否可以仅在单击单元格时触发该功能?

Yes it possible.是的,有可能。 you have pass the context to the function.您已将上下文传递给函数。 I put more cells in your table.我在你的桌子上放了更多的单元格。

 function randomFunction(e){ e.innerText = "HuhU" // document.getElementById("randomId").innerText = "random text!" }
 td { background: green; color:white; }
 <table> <tr> <td id="randomId" onclick="randomFunction(this)">random text</td> <td id="randomId" onclick="randomFunction(this)">random text</td> <td id="randomId" onclick="randomFunction(this)">random text</td> </tr> </table>

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