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我如何在 firebase 中使用 .where?

[英]How can i use .where in firebase?

I have this part of code to get a collection firebase我有这部分代码来获取集合 firebase

const db = getFirestore(app)
const getCollection = name => collection(db, name)
const query = await getCollection(db, 'movies').where('name', '==', 'any')

i am getting error in .where is not a function, what is the wrong?我在.where is not a function 中遇到错误,有什么问题?

Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): collection.where is not a function未处理的拒绝(TypeError):collection.where 不是函数

You're using the new modular SDK, where all functions are top-level.您正在使用新的模块化 SDK,其中所有功能都是顶级的。

To create a query, do:要创建查询,请执行以下操作:

const query = query(collection, where('name', '==', value))

Also see the Firebase documentation on building queries .另请参阅有关构建查询的 Firebase 文档。

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