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全局保护和 Azure 虚拟机

[英]Global Protect and Azure VM

I would like to connect to Global protect on my azure virtual machine.我想在我的 azure 虚拟机上连接到 Global protect。 installation is not an issue.安装不是问题。 but when I connect to VPN, I get disconnected from VM and when connection comes back global protect is no longer connected.但是当我连接到 VPN 时,我与 VM 断开连接,当连接恢复时,全局保护不再连接。

Can anyone help?谁能帮忙?

I'm running into the same problem but only when I use the Azure VPN P2S Gateway.我遇到了同样的问题,但只有当我使用 Azure VPN P2S 网关时才会出现。 I have other VMs in Azure that do not use the Azure VPN GW and I don't encounter any issues using Global Protect.我在 Azure 中有其他虚拟机不使用 Azure VPN GW,使用 Global Protect 时我没有遇到任何问题。

I found this article detailing why it's happening and some workarounds.我发现这篇文章详细说明了它发生的原因和一些解决方法。 The "Nested Remote Desktop Connection" option worked for me though it's not ideal. “嵌套远程桌面连接”选项对我有用,但它并不理想。 I'm reading through the "Configure a Source NAT on the Router" option and trying to figure out how to apply it using the Azure VPN GW.我正在阅读“在路由器上配置源 NAT”选项,并试图找出如何使用 Azure VPN GW 应用它。

https://knowledgebase.paloalt.networks.com/kCSArticleDetail?id=kA14u000000HAoM https://knowledgebase.paloalt.networks.com/kCSArticleDetail?id=kA14u000000HAoM

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