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Dolphin 文件管理器的“在此处提取”上下文菜单项

[英]'Extract Here' context menu item for Dolphin file manager

I installed the Dolphin file manager from Software Manager.我从软件管理器安装了 Dolphin 文件管理器。 It's a nice file manager.这是一个不错的文件管理器。 I would like to get the Extract Here context menu, where you right-click on an archive and select Extract Here and it gets extracted in the same folder.. like Nemo.我想获得“在此处提取”上下文菜单,您可以在其中右键单击存档并选择“在此处提取”,然后将其提取到同一文件夹中.. 就像 Nemo。 I saw some services to add to the Configure Dolphin menu.我看到一些服务要添加到配置 Dolphin 菜单中。 I installed one and it didn't make any difference.我安装了一个,它没有任何区别。 Any help is appreciated or kindly point me to any relevant resources.任何帮助表示赞赏或请指点我任何相关资源。 I searched a lot, but most are for KDE?我搜索了很多,但大多数都是针对 KDE 的? Thanks a lot in advance.非常感谢。

installed Ark and that added an Extract context menu to Penguin file manager.安装了方舟,并为企鹅文件管理器添加了一个提取上下文菜单。 :) (In case it helps anyone) :)(以防它对任何人有帮助)

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