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我怎样才能停止 git difftool?

[英]How can I stop git difftool?

I use Meld as tool for difftool and mergetool in Git Bash.我在 Git Bash 中使用Meld作为difftoolmergetool 的工具。 When I run git difftool it opens a window of Meld and, every time I close the window with a difference, it opens a new window with the next difference.当我运行git difftool它会打开一个 Meld 的窗口,每次我关闭一个不同的窗口时,它都会打开一个带有下一个不同的新窗口。 And so on, they could be hundreds...依此类推,它们可能是数百个……
Is there a way to stop Meld from the terminal (eg I didn't expect all these differences and now I want to make some changes in order to limit the number of them)?有没有办法从终端阻止 Meld(例如,我没想到所有这些差异,现在我想进行一些更改以限制它们的数量)?
The only way I found is to directly close the terminal, but I'd like a less brutal mode.我找到的唯一方法是直接关闭终端,但我想要一个不那么残酷的模式。

Are you tried git config --global --add difftool.prompt false ?你试过git config --global --add difftool.prompt false吗? Or what @Biffen already commented: Ctrl+C in the terminal.或者@Biffen 已经评论过的:终端中的Ctrl+C

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