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从react js中的多个选择下拉列表中获取相同的值

[英]get same value from multiple select dropdown in react js

I won't do to like this.我不会喜欢这个的。 I have a basket and here I have five apples.我有一个篮子,这里有五个苹果。 I want to divide it into five-person.我想把它分成五个人。 If a user takes 2 items from here.如果用户从这里拿走 2 件物品。 Then the next person will have to be available 3 items.然后下一个人必须有 3 件物品。 If this person takes 2 items then the basket has only 1 item.如果这个人拿了 2 件物品,那么篮子里只有 1 件物品。 The five-user will be like五用户将像

  {/* userOne selected 2 */}
    {/* removed automaticaly 4 and five option */}
    {/* <option>4</option>
    <option>5</option> */}
  {/* userTwo select 2 */}
    {/* <option>2</option>
    <option>3</option> */}
    {/* 3-2 = 1 */}
  {/* userFour have only one  */}
    {/* <option>2</option>
    <option>5</option> */}
  {/* userFour already selected one */}
    {/* userFive have no item available */}
    {/* <option>1</option>
    <option>5</option> */}

As far as I understand, you want to filter the list of options depending on the selected data据我了解,您希望根据所选数据过滤选项列表
For this you need to display options dynamically.为此,您需要动态显示选项。
Example of such code:此类代码的示例:

import React, { useState } from "react";

const USER_COUNT = 5;
const OPTION_COUNT = 5;
const options = Array(OPTION_COUNT + 1)
  .map((_, i) => i);

function App() {
  let [users, setUsers] = useState(Array(USER_COUNT).fill(0));

  const handleChange = (idx) => (e) => {
      users.map((user, userIdx) => {
        if (userIdx < idx) {
          return user;
        if (userIdx === idx) {
          return +e.target.value;
        return 0;

  return (
    <div className="App">
      {users.map((user, userIdx) => {
        let prevOptionsSum = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < userIdx; i++) {
          prevOptionsSum += users[i];
        let userOptions = options.slice(0, options.length - prevOptionsSum);
        return (
          <div key={userIdx}>
            <label>user {userIdx + 1}</label>
            <select value={user} onChange={handleChange(userIdx)}>
              {userOptions.map((_, userOptionIdx) => (
                <option key={userOptionIdx}>{userOptionIdx}</option>
export default App;

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