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使用 python 将 JSON 发送到带有时间戳字段的 ElasticSearch 索引

[英]Use python to send JSON to ElasticSearch Indexing with timestamp field

I have a script that makes a call to my API and pulls down stock data.我有一个脚本可以调用我的 API 并提取股票数据。 I want to save the response from the API as a JSON file and then create an ES index using the 't' field in the response as the Date field/Timestamp.我想将来自 API 的响应保存为 JSON 文件,然后使用响应中的“t”字段作为日期字段/时间戳创建 ES 索引。

I can see the data in my ES cluster but its not indexed and the 't' field is showing as the wrong type.我可以看到 ES 集群中的数据,但它没有被索引,并且“t”字段显示为错误的类型。 Long instead of Date.长而不是日期。

I'm not sure how best I can index the results as that's whats key for me as I really want to show this as a time series.我不确定如何最好地索引results因为这对我来说很关键,因为我真的想将其显示为时间序列。


def collect():
    import json
    key = ""
    url = "https://api"
    headers = {}
    response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
    j = response.json()
    print (j['results'][1])
    data = response.text
    for i in j['results']: 
        print (i)
    with open('data.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(j, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
    import os, sys
    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
    directory = '/home/'
    res = requests.get('http://localhost:9200')    
    print (res.content)
    es = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': '9200'}])
    i = 1
    for filename in os.listdir(directory):
        if filename.endswith(".json"):
         f = open(filename)
         docket_content = f.read()
         # Send the data into es
         es.index(index='core', ignore=400, doc_type='docket', 
         id=i, body=json.loads(docket_content))
         i = i + 1
    return render_template('show.html', data=data)

JSON Response & Contents of data.json JSON 响应和 data.json 的内容

  "ticker": "AAPL",
  "queryCount": 10,
  "resultsCount": 10,
  "adjusted": true,
  "results": [
      "v": 1668,
      "vw": 151.8826,
      "a": 151.8826,
      "o": 152,
      "c": 151.92,
      "h": 152,
      "l": 151.75,
      "t": 1636012800000,
      "n": 70
      "v": 1467,
      "vw": 151.9323,
      "a": 151.9059,
      "o": 151.95,
      "c": 151.96,
      "h": 151.96,
      "l": 151.89,
      "t": 1636012860000,
      "n": 60
      "v": 1096,
      "vw": 151.9585,
      "a": 151.9195,
      "o": 151.96,
      "c": 151.94,
      "h": 151.96,
      "l": 151.94,
      "t": 1636012920000,
      "n": 64
      "v": 1303,
      "vw": 151.7871,
      "a": 151.8889,
      "o": 151.77,
      "c": 151.73,
      "h": 151.77,
      "l": 151.73,
      "t": 1636013040000,
      "n": 70
      "v": 847,
      "vw": 151.8279,
      "a": 151.8811,
      "o": 151.87,
      "c": 151.8,
      "h": 151.87,
      "l": 151.8,
      "t": 1636013100000,
      "n": 37
      "v": 451,
      "vw": 151.8722,
      "a": 151.8737,
      "o": 151.87,
      "c": 151.87,
      "h": 151.87,
      "l": 151.87,
      "t": 1636013280000,
      "n": 17
      "v": 5347,
      "vw": 151.8021,
      "a": 151.8446,
      "o": 151.82,
      "c": 151.8,
      "h": 151.82,
      "l": 151.8,
      "t": 1636013400000,
      "n": 55
      "v": 2834,
      "vw": 151.7431,
      "a": 151.8266,
      "o": 151.74,
      "c": 151.73,
      "h": 151.74,
      "l": 151.73,
      "t": 1636013460000,
      "n": 58
      "v": 615,
      "vw": 151.7193,
      "a": 151.8226,
      "o": 151.73,
      "c": 151.68,
      "h": 151.73,
      "l": 151.68,
      "t": 1636013520000,
      "n": 22
      "v": 876,
      "vw": 151.717,
      "a": 151.8173,
      "o": 151.71,
      "c": 151.73,
      "h": 151.73,
      "l": 151.71,
      "t": 1636013580000,
      "n": 33
  "status": "OK",
  "request_id": "2354523452356236",
  "count": 10

elastic index弹性指数

type    "float"
type    "float"
type    "float"
type    "float"
type    "long"
type    "float"
type    "long"
type    "long"
type    "float"

you should really define your mappings ahead of indexing, either with a template or posting the index with set mappings.你真的应该在索引之前定义你的映射,要么使用模板,要么使用集合映射发布索引。 otherwise Elasticsearch will try to pick the best data type for each field, but it doesn't always get it right, as you can see否则 Elasticsearch 将尝试为每个字段选择最佳数据类型,但它并不总是正确的,如您所见

https://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.io/en/v7.15.1/api.html?highlight=mapping#elasticsearch.client.IndicesClient.put_mapping is probably what you want for that https://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.io/en/v7.15.1/api.html?highlight=mapping#elasticsearch.client.IndicesClient.put_mapping可能就是你想要的

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