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我在设置innerHTML时遇到问题<tbody>标签。 使用 document.getElementById 选择它后,它向我显示了错误

[英]I'm facing the problem while setting the innerHTML of the <tbody> tag. After selecting it using the document.getElementById, it shows me the error

All I'm doing was getting the tbody tag from my html code using the document.getElementByID("tableBody") and trying to add some rows using the javascript.我所做的只是使用 document.getElementByID("tableBody") 从我的 html 代码中获取 tbody 标记,并尝试使用 javascript 添加一些行。 But whenever I try to set the innerHTML property of the tbody tag, it shows me this error.但是每当我尝试设置 tbody 标记的 innerHTML 属性时,它都会向我显示此错误。

index2.js:38 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'innerHTML')
    at Display.add (index2.js:38)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (index2.js:90)

I don't know why I'm getting this error I've revisted my code multiple times.我不知道为什么会出现此错误,我已多次修改代码。 Please help someone请帮助某人

HTML code: HTML代码:

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            <form id="libraryForm">
                <div class="form-group row">
                    <label for="bookName" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">Book Name</label>
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                        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="bookName">
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JavaScript code: JavaScript 代码:

var bookObj = [];
/*  Display Class with the following methods:
1) .add(book) => to add book(array of book objects) to the table element 
2) .clear => to clear the element from the text fields
function Display() {
// .add() method 
Display.prototype.add = function () {
    let bookElements = localStorage.getItem("books");
    if (bookElements === null) {
        bookObj = [];
    } else {
        bookObj = JSON.parse(bookElements);
        console.log(typeof bookObj);

    let html = "";
    let Element;
    if (bookObj.length === 0) {
        html = "<h1>Please add some content from above section</h1>";
        Element = document.getElementById("tableArea");
        Element.innerHTML = html;
    } else {
        bookObj.forEach(function(element, index) {
            html += `<tr>
            <th scope="row">${index + 1}</th>
            <th scope="col"> <button class="btn btn-primary"> Remove </button> </th>
        Element = document.getElementById("tableBody");
        // console.log(typeof tableElement);
        Element.innerHTML = html;
    html = "";

// .clear() method
Display.prototype.clear = function(){
    let form = document.getElementById("libraryForm");
var display = new Display();    // Display object to access different display methods

    Book class with the property
    1) bookName = Name of the book
    2) authorName = Name of the author
    3) type = Type of book
function Book(bookName, authorName, type){
    this.bookName = bookName;
    this.authorName = authorName;
    this.type = type;

let addBook = document.getElementById("addButton");
addBook.addEventListener("click", function (e){
    let bookName = document.getElementById("bookName").value;
    let authorName = document.getElementById("authorName").value;
    let type;
    let fiction = document.getElementById("Fiction");
    let programming = document.getElementById("Programming");
    let cooking = document.getElementById("Cooking");
    if (fiction.checked){
        type = fiction.value;
    } else if (programming.checked) {
        type = programming.value;
    else if (cooking.checked) {
        type = cooking.value;
    let book = new Book(bookName, authorName, type);
    // console.log(typeof book)
    localStorage.setItem("books", JSON.stringify(bookObj));
    console.log(typeof bookObj);

This is because when bookObj is empty, you obliterate the <div> that contains the table (and therefore the tbody ).这是因为当bookObj为空时,您会删除包含表的<div> (因此也删除了tbody )。

Then, once you add a book to bookObj there is no longer a table on the page to find, so Element is null .然后,一旦您将一本书添加到bookObj ,页面上就不再有表格可供查找,因此Elementnull

Consider hiding the content you don't want to appear rather than obliterating it.考虑隐藏您不想显示的内容而不是删除它。

Your code is okay and running well but the reason why you are not seeing the table is that you are assigning two different values to the Element identifier.您的代码没问题并且运行良好,但是您没有看到表格的原因是您为Element标识符分配了两个不同的值。 Inside the execution context , where javascript is executed, the operations are done from top to bottom .里面的execution context ,其中javascript执行,操作完成后,从topbottom Your code assigns value to the Element identifier inside the if condition after which the element is removed from the execution context.您的代码将值分配给if condition内的Element标识符,然后从执行上下文中删除元素。

Your javascript code should look like this after removing the first assignment of the Element identifier inside the if statement .在删除if statement Element identifier的第一个分配后,您的 javascript 代码应如下所示。

var bookObj = [];
   /*  Display Class with the following methods:
   1) .add(book) => to add book(array of book objects) to the table element 
   2) .clear => to clear the element from the text fields*/

   function Display() {
  // .add() method 

   Display.prototype.add = function () {
   let bookElements = localStorage.getItem("books");
   if (bookElements === null) {
    bookObj = [];
  } else {
    bookObj = JSON.parse(bookElements);
    console.log(typeof bookObj);

let html = "";
let Element;
if (bookObj.length === 0) {
    html = "<h1>Please add some content from above section</h1>";
    Element.innerHTML = html;
} else {
    bookObj.forEach(function(element, index) {
        html += `<tr>
        <th scope="row">${index + 1}</th>
        <th scope="col"> <button class="btn btn-primary"> Remove </button> </th>
    Element = document.getElementById("tableBody");
    // console.log(typeof tableElement);
    Element.innerHTML = html;
html = "";

  // .clear() method
  Display.prototype.clear = function(){
let form = document.getElementById("libraryForm");
var display = new Display();    // Display object to access different display methods

Book class with the property
1) bookName = Name of the book
2) authorName = Name of the author
3) type = Type of book */ 
 function Book(bookName, authorName, type){
this.bookName = bookName;
this.authorName = authorName;
this.type = type;

let addBook = document.getElementById("addButton");
addBook.addEventListener("click", function (e){

let bookName = document.getElementById("bookName").value;
let authorName = document.getElementById("authorName").value;
let type;
let fiction = document.getElementById("Fiction");
let programming = document.getElementById("Programming");
let cooking = document.getElementById("Cooking");

if (fiction.checked){
    type = fiction.value;
} else if (programming.checked) {
    type = programming.value;
else if (cooking.checked) {
    type = cooking.value;

let book = new Book(bookName, authorName, type);
// console.log(typeof book)
localStorage.setItem("books", JSON.stringify(bookObj));
console.log(typeof bookObj);



It works and displays the table on the UI.它工作并在用户界面上显示表格。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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