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[英]Will it be changed after Apple's uid expires?

I'm using the apple login package on the flutter.我在 flutter 上使用了苹果登录包。 You can get uidtoken in conjunction with firebase.您可以将 uidtoken 与 firebase 结合使用。 I'm going to save this uid Token on the server and manage the users.我要在服务器上保存这个uid Token并管理用户。 Will a new uidToken be issued after the expiration time?过期后是否会发行新的uidToken?

Right now it is not clear to me what you mean by "uidToken", so I'll explain the two most likely things below.现在我不清楚你所说的“uidToken”是什么意思,所以我将在下面解释两个最可能的事情。 In future questions please include the code that shows where you are stuck , as it is the easiest way to prevent confusion.在以后的问题中,请包括显示您卡在何处的代码,因为这是防止混淆的最简单方法。

In Firebase Authentication:在 Firebase 身份验证中:

  • Each user gets a UID (short for user identifier) that identifies them.每个用户都有一个 UID(用户标识符的缩写)来标识他们。 This will never change for a user.这对于用户来说永远不会改变。 So even if they sign in on a different system, they'll have the same UID.因此,即使他们在不同的系统上登录,他们也将拥有相同的 UID。
  • Authentication state is kept in a short lived ID token.身份验证状态保存在短期 ID 令牌中。 This token is valid for one hour (by default) and is automatically refreshed by the Firebase SDKs behind the scenes.此令牌的有效期为一小时(默认情况下),并由幕后的 Firebase SDK 自动刷新。 So the ID token changes every hour or so.因此,ID 令牌每隔一小时左右就会更改一次。

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