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MetaMask 有什么作用?

[英]What does MetaMask do?

I am new to the world of web3 and have found the explanations of some concepts fuzzy.我是 web3 世界的新手,发现一些概念的解释很模糊。 Can someone explain to me in simple terms what MetaMask does?有人可以简单地向我解释 MetaMask 的作用吗? I've seen that it acts as a gateway to DApps but my question is;我已经看到它充当 DApps 的网关,但我的问题是; does it simulate us running an Ethereum node on our local machine?它会模拟我们在本地机器上运行以太坊节点吗? Secondly, why can't regular browsers access DApps without it?其次,为什么普通浏览器没有它就不能访问 DApp?

MetaMask runs as a plugin or add-on in the web browser. MetaMask 作为插件或插件在网络浏览器中运行。 It is available for the Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Brave browsers.它适用于 Chrome、Firefox、Opera 和 Brave 浏览器。 The key idea behind the development of MetaMask is to provide an interface with the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask 开发背后的关键思想是提供与以太坊区块链的接口。 It allows efficient account management and connectivity to the Ethereum blockchain without running the Ethereum node software locally.它允许有效的帐户管理和连接到以太坊区块链,而无需在本地运行以太坊节点软件。 Because blockchain stored on nodes and in order to get the blockchain data, you need to connect to a node.因为区块链存储在节点上,为了获取区块链数据,你需要连接到一个节点。 MetaMask allows connectivity to the Ethereum blockchain through the infrastructure available at Infura ( https://infura.io ). MetaMask 允许通过 Infura ( https://infura.io ) 提供的基础设施连接到以太坊区块链。 This allows users to interact with the blockchain without having to host any node locally.这允许用户与区块链交互,而无需在本地托管任何节点。

Metamask injects a ethereum (before it was web3) object within the running websites' JavaScript context, which allows immediate interface capability for DApps. Metamask 在运行网站的 JavaScript 上下文中注入了一个ethereum (在它之前是 web3)对象,它允许 DApp 的即时接口功能。 This injection allows DApps to interact directly with the blockchain.这种注入允许 DApp 直接与区块链交互。

MetaMask also allows account management. MetaMask 还允许帐户管理。 This acts as a verification method before any transaction is executed on the blockchain.这充当在区块链上执行任何交易之前的验证方法。 The user is shown a secure interface to review the transaction for approval or rejection before it can reach the target blockchain.向用户显示一个安全界面,以在交易到达目标区块链之前查看交易是否批准或拒绝。

Simply put, Metamask allows you to hold onto, or transfer tokens (ether) to another EOA (externally owned account such as another Metamask account) or to a Smart Contract that you have created in IDEs such as remix Ethereum.简而言之,Metamask 允许您持有或将代币(以太币)转移到另一个 EOA(外部拥有的帐户,例如另一个 Metamask 帐户)或您在 IDE 中创建的智能合约,例如 remix Ethereum。 Note that Metamask is not equivalent to an Ethereum node.请注意,Metamask 不等同于以太坊节点。 "Node" refers to a running piece of client software. “节点”是指正在运行的客户端软件。 A client is an implementation of Ethereum that verifies all transactions in each block, keeping the network secure and the data accurate.客户端是以太坊的一种实现,它验证每个区块中的所有交易,保持网络安全和数据准确。

If you want to interact with dApps, you need to take a part in transactions which are occurred between you and the dApps.如果您想与 dApp 交互,您需要参与您与 dApp 之间发生的交易。 To do so, you need to have an account on the blockchain network, and the metamask simply appears as a tool to manage your account.为此,您需要在区块链网络上拥有一个帐户,而元掩码只是作为一种工具来管理您的帐户。 You could have several accounts, and Metamask also works for that.您可以拥有多个帐户,Metamask 也适用于此。 By using metamask, you can do switch accounts, sign a transaction with the account you want and so on.通过使用元掩码,您可以切换账户,使用您想要的账户签署交易等等。

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